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I need help, what's happening to my hydrangea ?

Grecia O
7 years ago

I bought my mom a hydrangea flower pot on mother's day, the guide on the plant said it could stand direct sunlight, so we left it outside and we live here in Texas so the temperatures get really hot, the next morning we noticed it had wilted or turned brown a bit so we decided to move the plant into a bigger pot and we added a bit of fertilizer and watered it and that was that. We left it outside but this time where it didn't get too much direct sunlight but over the next couple days I watered it only once ( I did hear about the checking the soil using your fingers that's what I did) but we saw that it was turning sad so we moved it inside. It was near a window so it still got sunlight but every day I feel like it's getting worse, the odd thing is only one of the flowers didn't wilt or get sad, it's a nice blue color. The rest of the however are all brown and droopy, also the leaves are all green so it means it could just be the flowers? I really don't know, so please can anyone tell me what we may have done wrong, this is the first time we actually try to grow one, and what can I do help the flowers grow and get better?

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