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Eye Contact

8 years ago

When I was in 7th grade, all of the teachers stood outside their doors and monitored the halls as we passed from one class to another.

One of my teachers told our class how she could always tell who the confident kids were in the hallway. They walked head up, shoulders straight, making eye contact with others.

It resonated with me and from then on, I made sure I evoked confidence, even though I was anything but at the time. I suppose I took a fake it til you make it approach and it worked as, to this day, I always make eye contact with others.

Almost 2 weeks ago my husband's retina detached. He started losing vision Friday night, saw the retinal specialist Saturday morning and had emergency surgery on Sunday. We have had 2 follow up appointments with the specialist and he is having a second surgery tomorrow morning.

When we first saw the specialist, I assumed he was annoyed at having to come out early on a weekend for an emergency appointment as something We've seen him 4 times now and I've pinned down what's bothering me.

He doesn't make eye contact! Not at all!! He stares at the floor or your pants, turns towards you when your talking but he WON'T make eye contact.

A part of me wanted to ask him to look at me please but I figured maybe he has some sort of social disorder/anxiety/confidence issue and I didn't want to put him on the spot.

He is clearly a skilled surgeon and it doesn't come across that he is talking down to us but it is still off-putting.

Have you ever encountered someone like this before?

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