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Need advice on kitchen cabinet layout!

8 years ago

We are remodeling the kitchen in a home that we just purchased and have yet to move into (so I don't know how the old design worked because I never used it).

I am the cook in the family, although I can usually convince my partner to help with the washing and chopping. We'll be the only two humans in the house, along with too many dogs and cats.

The kitchen has been taken down to the studs. We could move the gas or plumbing if we had to. We plan to enlarge the one window to get more light in. We're looking at 42" wide, but that's negotiable.

The 1/2 wall on which the breakfast bar will sit hasn't been built yet. The bar needs to be higher than normal counter height to clear a radiator that is currently there and will sit under it in the new configuration. I was advocating for replacing the radiator with a flat-panel European type, but our handy friend worries about the ease of doing so (the radiator is original (1889)).

I'm sorry I don't have a floorplan of the whole room ready to upload. There is a walkway parallel with the breakfast bar to go into the mudroom and the dining room, respectively. There is a bathroom behind the wall on which the stove sits.

Beside (or below in the drawing) where the refrigerator will go, there is a alcove 54" deep in which we might try to fit a little table. The kitchen has a 68" opening to the alcove (so there's the little wall 25.5" next to the fridge; to the right of it is the 68" opening, then 50" of wall, then the door to the dining room). The alcove includes the door to the basement, which means there aren't as many options with this space as I would like. The previous owners had the fridge in this area. Beyond the basement door, there's an even deeper alcove that goes another 5' back that will be a pantry.

I originally planned to post because I was unhappy with these plans because I want to find a way to get stuff into and out of the blind bottom corner cabinet. I'd love a magic corner or something (half moon susan), but don't know how to re-arrange or otherwise shrink things to make that work. Now that I'm reading more posts, I'm realizing that the layout may have other issues. Please let me know how to optimize this space.

Thanks in advance!

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