Maybe novice users should buy Macs and avoid Win PCs?
8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago
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Comments (31)
- 8 years agolast modified: 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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Mac Computer: seeking your experience and opinions.
Comments (32)Let's see if I can explain in the limited time I have; if I don't finish, I'll come back later or tomorrow. Have hubby's last chemo & radiation today. In my office I have a dual boot Windows machine - running XP (pro I think) and Vista. I also have the Mac. I have not tried to put Windows of any flavor on the Mac; it was on my list of things to do. I was going to buy the program verses what's on the Mac. My pain management Dr did it; he had some issues with drivers. Not sure if he did XP or Vista. The Mac worked fine at 1st. I was able to Network; I was able to access the Windows machine both sides. When on the Windows PC; I was able to access the Mac from both. I'm not sure what changed and when but eventually I wasn't able to access either puter - I made user accounts on Windows (both sides) and now am able to access Windows (both sides) from the Mac. The problem is accessing the Mac from Windows. Granted, it very well may be me; because I haven't been as "heavy" into building & using the computer since we moved. The most I do is work with pictures; for that I use Windows because the Mac photo program confuses me. I like Windows much better all the way around because of ease of use; software works & I can do things without reading a manual. With the Mac, I feel so stupid some days. I haven't installed anything except firefox.. forgot how. lol It's so simple too from what I remember but I have to get the dummy book to do it again. lol One thing that will not work on the Mac is my Microsoft Works. All of my medical databases are made with works. I looked for a Mac plug in (reader) but they don't have one. I also don't want to have to replace my full Office suite....See MoreBought a Dell PC from Costco
Comments (22)Anything is possible at BB. The first one I took back had a corrupt hard drive the second developed so many problems that a very qualified award winning certified Microsoft volunteer who has followed that old computer suspects this is what happened. As for the new one I had to replace. Costco concierge service did diagnostics on the phone with me and came to the conclusion that it needed to be returned because the operating system was not responding at all and perhaps the hard drive wasn't installed. It was plugged in and had a friend go through all of the plugs as was asked of us by the service. I took out all of the sockets in my place and had them replaced to meet the country wide code and also bought new surge protectors for my computer. I also have not put in any Microsoft software. The more I read the more I am not qualified to put it in and take care of the problems that most likely will ensue. I called a Microsoft store. There is a central phone bank in Texas that answers for all the calls that come in to the stores around the country. They could not get the store near me to answer the phone and suspected they were all busy. They tried three times as I stayed on the phone. I am not allowed to have the direct number to the store. There are many menus and the idea is you can help yourself by listening to these menus. I want to know if I can bring my PC and buy some software and have them install it.. This can all cost about the same price as my computer. I would like to talk with Bill Gates. The stores have also got bad reviews around the country. There are some excellent ones too but din't reign. I appreciate the idea of not wanting to go through a learning curve for both an operating system that people complained about so vehemently that they made one revision that will help me but then you have software that is either a rental package or a package deal that has difficulty with Outlook That's okay if I have step-by-step instructions or near an IT person which I always had at work. If Bill Gates is reading this please leave a message....See MorePC Laptop
Comments (33)By open, I to opinions of others. By repeating the same comments, you imply that anyone who does something differently from what you do is wrong and or making a mistake. When an actual Chromebook owner spoke of having a positive experience, you responded by saying "I would never have one". I'm not sure why you find it necessary to be so contrary but that's YOU berating others. I think it's nice that you help others. I hope you continue to do so whether here or elsewhere, but that's not a license for being narrow minded with the advice you give....See MoreHow to get rid of Win 10 junk???
Comments (27)I have a Laptop with Windows 7.0 Professional that I purchased in January 2016...and it is faster than my Desktop Windows 10......I am so happy I didn't upgrade my Laptop....I tried to in May but had a problem and had to take it to a technician.....cost me $30.00 to repair and go back to Windows 7.0 Professional...but it was worth it. By the time my Laptop (with W 7.0 Prof) expires in about four years.... I will have to buy a new Laptop with Windows 10....and maybe they will get the kinks out.... My overall view of Windows 3.l to Windows 10.....they did not improve at all ....they made it so confusing......and I have had computers with W 3.0, 98, XP, Vista, 7.0, 10....and my humble opinion...XP was the best....!!!! If it works why fix it??? I know why...they want you to spend your is like that with these new elaborate cell phones.....I have $20.00/month Virgin Samsung....and it does the job and I love it......I have a ipad, laptop, and two desktops...who needs that new can't see anything outdoors with it, can't hear, etc....believe my children and grandchildren. have it....but, I prefer mine....This is only my don't let my opinions upset you...LOL!!!.....See More- 8 years ago
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