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Rose dessert book to be published June 2016!

Hurray! I'd heard about this book from the author, Judy Polinsky, at a couple Great Rosarians of the World programs at the Huntington. She said she was working on a book, and that it would be published sometime in the future. I just found it online today (available for pre-order).

Judy made some fabulous desserts at these events, and those of us in attendance got to try them. Delicious! She told me about the work done (by her and someone else at the Huntington, will have to look up her name) in testing which roses were best for making desserts. Certain roses were great, others were not so much (their rose water went bad or didn't translate well from the scent of the rose into anything useable once extracted). Delicious Rose-Flavored Desserts: A Modern and Fragrant Take on Classic Recipes.
