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Replacing a broken overflow tube

8 years ago

Recently, I had issue with the toilet's flush valve, but I accidentally broke the overfill tube. It broke right above where the flap would be.

I looked up what it would take to replace the tube. It seems simple enough: turn off water, remove water from toilet tank, remove tank, remove old overflow assembly and flap and install new one. However, replacing the flush valve was supposed to be simple, too and there were a lot of issues.

At the hardware store, I notice this:

I asked the guy at the hardware store if you can actually replace just the tube instead of the whole assembly and he indicated that it should work. The end does not appear to be threaded, so I am not sure how it's installed. I am wondering if the hardware guy is wrong and this is for a different type of overflow assembly where it comes as two pieces instead of one?


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