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Out of caraway seeds - rye bread rose much higher

I do not know how I let myself run out of caraway seeds, but I could not find them anywhere in the kitchen and do not remember using the last of them. Normally, I put such items on a list as soon as I run out, as I consider caraway to be a staple, since I use them so frequently. I always grind them in a coffee mill when using them in rye bread (DB does not know whole caraway seeds, although I do), and I had thought that this would prevent the seeds from cutting through gluten strands in the bread, but evidently that is not the case. I did use ground fennel in the bread, as well as dark rye flour, some whole wheat pastry flour, and about half white bread flour. I do like the rye bread with just fennel, but I had decided that this time I would make the bread with only caraway, and so that will have to wait. I normally alternate rye bread with whole wheat loaves that I make each week for my sandwiches, but I had made WW for two weeks in a row, which may be why I forgot that I was out of caraway.

Normally I overcompensate when I run out of something and buy extra, thus having an overloaded pantry. I think I need to cut down on what ingredients I consider staples, as I do not have room for all of them.

Have you recently cut any items from your "staples" list?

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