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Frieda - And the Sea Will Tell (spoilers...)

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

Hi Frieda,

I finished the book. You asked for my opinion, and I shall give it without sugar-coating in the least.

How could Bugliosi decide to defend such a person? Was it just the publicity? My friend and I were discussing it after we had both finished reading it. She is a prosecutor with many years experience with many really bad guys (and girls). She said in her opinion, Stephanie (Jennifer in the book), was "guilty as hell". I concur.

In my opinion, this book should have been entitled "The Narcissist and the Sociopath" with Bugliosi starring as the narcissist and Stephanie/Jennifer starring as the sociopath. It is a shame that Buck and Stephanie/Jennifer ever found each other. What a perfect storm of nastiness.

I felt great sadness that Mac's body was never recovered, great sadness at the pointless loss of life, frustrated that they painted the trim on the boat LAVENDER (seriously?) and immense sadness that the Sea Wind was so neglected and rotted beyond salvation. All dust to dust. What a great pity.

What is your opinion?


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