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Funny CL ad for a Christmas tree, with a Chanukah touch

In my wonderful Maine Craigslist -

Xmas tree, oh xmas tree.

"Yeah, that's right. We got a beautiful xmas tree for sale! We wanted our
apartment decorated but we're leaving for New York next week to spend
the holidays with my girlfriend's family. We'll throw in the stand,
lights and blue/silver ornaments for a dollar (that's $6 total!!).
Allie, my gf thinks I'm crazy for posting the tree at such a low price,
but I'm a cheap Jew (speaking of, I'll sell you some matzoh ball soup
mix and handwritten recipe my mom sent out from California to make the
stuff! Some grade-A Kosher shit yo. 10¢, OBO)

Oh, and see the mini fireplace? My crafty ass gf made that with her bare hands. I'll sell that to you for 40K. Non negotiable...she's just so
good with her hands.

For some legit Chanukah stuff, check out my other posting, "A Jew in Maine"

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