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Need advice re: replacement windows - is "glue and screw" method ok?

9 years ago

We are looking to replace the 17 single-pane, single-hung aluminum windows in our house built in 1983 with double-hung, double-pane vinyl ones. We got our first estimate a few days ago for $10,415. That company would not have disturbed the existing siding and would not have installed any new trim. We were very happy with that number and ready to sign on the dotted line. Then I met with a rep from another company today who described the first company's method as "glue and screw" and said that it was not an acceptable method of installing replacement windows because it is impossible to include any new flashing around the new windows, which they said is critical to keeping water out of the walls (especially since we live in Seattle where it rains a lot). We have no expertise in this area and are on a tight budget so would love to go with the (far) cheaper quote, but obviously don't want to have water damage and need to replace the windows again any time soon. Can anybody who is familiar with "glue and screw" offer some advice? Thanks much!!

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