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how do people live with beige carpet and general carpet advice

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago
We recently moved from our house that had tile and wood floors to our town home that has a fair amount of wood but still a lot of beige carpet. Of course when the previous owners pulled out their stuff the carpet looked pretty grimy in places so we cleaned it with a rug doctor. Still looked grimy so we had it professionally cleaned. Still looks marginal but fortunately I can cover a lot of it up with the area rugs I had on my hard surface floors. That is just a temporary solution to get by for awhile though.

Not having had much carpet for the last 25+ years I'm pretty clueless about how to live with it and not have it look grungy. I've already thought about replacing the main floor carpet with wood but I do kind of like the feel of the carpet under foot and it would be easier to replace the carpet than install wood floors as we'd have to have site finished and refinish existing floors to match. I'm not sure I'm up for that after moving so much this year (different weekend lake place, different house in the city all with beige carpet of course).

So what is the key to living happily with carpet? We are two adults and three cats - black hair and white hair and occasional puking - the cats that is. We take our shoes off at the door. We do slop occasionally. I've never dumped a can of soda in my life but managed to do so yesterday - on the beige carpet. I about had a heart attack when I saw this big brown blob on the carpet though I think I managed to get it out with some unlabeled miracle solution from the carpet cleaning people.

If I do replace the carpet what's the best choice for something that will look good in the long run. I think not a light color that shows dirt and black cat hair, not a real dark color that shows white cat hair, not a texture that shows wear and maybe not much depth to the pile as it's easier to clean cat barf off something relatively smooth without long fibers.

Carpet mavens, please advise.

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