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Trick Or Treat Progress Report

8 years ago

At 4:00 the rain stopped falling and at 4:05 the doorbell started ringing. I have three kinds of Treats: 3Muskateers, Rice Krispie Treats, and Fruit by the Foot. Just over an hour in and I am almost out of Fruit by the Foot and will have to break into my "reserve" box that I was saving for the next HS Band football supper (we are in the playoffs) since that's all they want, too. Good thing I like 3Muskateers! (Wait, perhaps that not such a good thing...)

What's in YOUR cauldron o' treats?

Comments (60)

  • dedtired
    8 years ago

    I bought about 250 pieces of candy, mostly Sour Patch Kids, and have about 40 left. It's been non-stop since 6:30. I'm getting tired so any stragglers who come along are going to get a handful each. We had a block party this afternoon, too. It's fun but exhausting.

  • User
    8 years ago

    Dh takes our leftover candy down to the neighborhood fire department along with a gift card for pizza delivery.

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    How many trick or treaters?


    Comments (65)
    We've lived here through 16 Halloweens. We've stayed 'dark' the last ten, after getting between zero and ten children. Wouldn't you know, last afternoon about five p.m. we had a group of eight small boys with someone's big brother, then a pair of little girls, big enough to be out alone. We had no decorations and no lights inside or out, but it wasn't dark *out* yet, so they didn't realize we weren't 'doing' Halloween. Wah! Next year I will resume just-in-case-candy mode. Maybe our neighborhood is changing more than I realized. This is an area of houses set back on two to ten acre lots. The street has dim 'gas' lights, spaced far apart. The city allows trick-or-treating from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. DGS and DGD go out from their other grandparents' house. There are mostly 20-foot-frontage lots in the city. LOTS of kids -- local and 'imported'. TONS of candy. Whole new 'pathways' are created, shortest distance between doorsteps.
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  • nhbaskets
    8 years ago

    Our trick or treat is traditionally on the 30th. No idea why, but it was that way since I was a kid. This is our second Halloween in our new house and again, no kiddos. We live in a 55+ development, so there are no kids, but most people do have grandchildren. Houses are fairly close together, so this would be a goldmine! I was messaging with a neighbor last evening who suggested we post a huge sign at the beginning of our development, "Trick or Treaters Welcome." Of course we still bought candy, Kitkats, M&Ms, York Peppermint Pattys, and Snickers. It's all going to work with me on Monday so the college students who visit my office can enjoy.

  • chispa
    8 years ago

    Only 5 pm here on the west coast and a bright and sunny day. I have teens who aren't into it much, except for eating our candy! We are hit or miss. Two years ago we had lots of kids, but last year not as many, so who knows what we'll get this year. I just ran out to get some candy a few minutes ago. We are going out to dinner so we'll catch the kids that come after 7 pm.

  • texanjana
    8 years ago

    We had a block party with dinner, and the trick or treaters are now coming in droves. I have Reese's, M&Ms, Kit Kats, Hershey bars, Butterfinger, Snicker's and Sour Patch. I "might" have had a few.

  • User
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We only have two young kids that come and their mom (friend) told me they're not doing it anymore. So there are two candy bars here, not sure what kind DH picked up, and there's a good chance they'll be gone before morning. I've never cared for halloween and so far we've avoided participating in the going out part.

    Did anyone else seen this? I found it interesting.

    Mom's demanding halloween sign

  • littlebug zone 5 Missouri
    8 years ago

    Cool and cloudy here in the midwest. So far I have had 80. The oddest - a boy who looked to be about 13 with 2 bags. He took 2 pieces of candy for himself and then said, "I need 2 more for my dad's bag." LOL!

  • Gooster
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We are getting prepared for the hordes. Usually up to 250 kids (ahem and adults) so I bought for 300. Earliest are usually the youngest and get the full size bars. It was sunny and warm today so I expect a bunch.

  • User
    8 years ago

    Some families like to accommodate kids with allergies. Around here they'll put a turquoise/teal pumpkin on the porch to signify they have non-food treats available.

  • cawaps
    8 years ago

    No trick-or-treaters yet (West Coast, only 6:15 and still light out). Finished decorating a few minutes ago. Pretty simple over here, but my daughter was excited that her dad set up the fog machine, giant spiders, creepy eye lights. Maybe the skeleton on the zip line. He has the second floor unit with the lever that opens the front door. We only used it for Halloween, but it freaks kids out. Several have ended up all the way back down on the sidewalk before we could get downstairs with the candy. Mwa-ha-ha.

  • JennaVaNowSC
    8 years ago

    We had a crowd, lots of little ones, lots of the parents were in costume too. we gave out candy and I bought glow stick bracelets, lots of stickers, party favor type toys, plastic spider rings. those seemed to be a big hit too! Always tell DH to buy candy that I don't like, just in case we have leftovers!!

  • elledi61
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We had over 100. There was a block party going on around the corner, so things started a bit later.

    Quite honestly, it is no longer fun. With my daughters grown and with all the new families, I don't know the kids coming to the door.

    Although it was nice that one young boy mentioned that he liked my goodie bags, so obviously a repeat customer.

  • mojomom
    8 years ago

    Last year was so sparse that we weren't expecting much, but dozens this year. We're about out of treats and were afraid we would have to resort to the ziplock bag full of quarters, but we just turned off the lights at 8:30 and blew out the candle in the pumpkin. A bunch of cuties and Jack, the husky, answered to door with us and we had several ask very politely if they could pet him. He's a gentle, mellow fellow, so as long as it was fine with the parents, we said sure. One sweet little fellow asked if he could share his candy with Jack. We hated to disappoint him and say no, but told him that Jack would get a doggie treat before bedtime.

  • amck2
    8 years ago

    We lived in a subdivision in So. Maine for 20 yrs. that was the place where people living on nearby rural roads would load up minivans full of kids to trek around our neighborhood. With them and the actual neighborhood kids we had trick or treaters by the hundreds.

    We moved to this home in NH 13 yrs. ago & it has always been unpredictable. Depends on weather, day of the week, etc. Most years we get around 60 kids. Last night (it's on the 30th here) we only got around 20. Being that it was a Friday night I'm guessing some little ones may have had school parties and been tired out. Or some families may have been attending football games or other sports. Weather was good. Who knows?

    But yesterday I got nervous I may have under bought candy so I went out in the afternoon and bought 2 more giant bags of chocolate bars. I now have a boatload of candy that I will send off w/ DH on Monday. I took the "no eating Halloween candy" pledge again this year. So far, so good. But it needs to be gone soon ;) The Twix bars are calling my name...

  • littlebug zone 5 Missouri
    8 years ago

    Here's a picture I took of one of the groups that visited my house. I believe they're being bused in to town from the country . . .

  • chispa
    8 years ago

    8 pm west coast and extremely slow so far ... only 2 boys, about 12 years old. I have a feeling that Halloween falling on a Saturday might have encouraged more families to have parties for people to attend.

  • joaniepoanie
    8 years ago

    Last year was the first year we didn't give out candy because we were away. I didn't miss it at all because the numbers have dwindled so much in our neighborhood since all the original gazillion kids are grown and gone. And of course I would buy too much and end up eating it...not good. So this year we went shopping and out to dinner. Amazing how many people were doing the same thing.

  • User
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Well, lights out ... just one trick or treater. Husband taking candy to work Monday. I have zero will-power, especially when the little goodies are bite-sized. ;)

  • bpath
    Original Author
    8 years ago

    Littlebug, that's a great picture! Maybe they'll mow the lawns while the kids make the rounds :)

    Well, DH and I went out for dinner about 6:30, DS says he got one trick-or-treater. Not even one doorbell ring with a gaggle of costumes; just one kid. Oh well.

    I lived in a kind of country area, and my friend had two horses. We were big fans of"Alias Smith and Jones" tv show, so that was our costume one year. We went on horseback :) So fun, but a bother to climb up and down at every house. But at least we didn't have to walk all those long, dark driveways.

  • Gooster
    8 years ago

    well down this year... we sat out on the front porch in summer clothing and had wine with the neighbors. Probably only 125 or so, well down from peak years.

  • User
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We have never had any trick or treaters :-( I believe all the children in our neck of the woods get taken into town neighborhoods. We took our DD, fiancé, and ds1 out to dinner and to an outdoor play----a performance of Sleepy Hollow. I would rather have stayed home and handed out candy to children, though!

  • jakabedy
    8 years ago

    We had about 50. That includes the last group of unconstumed teenage boys who had one white hefty bag among them -- they cleaned me out. I shut the gate and turned off the light after them.

    I enjoyed every one of them. Even the hefty bag crew. As an adult I've always lived in either a very urban setting or a very rural one, so seldom if ever got trick-or-treaters. In this new neighborhood we're in town, but in a ca 1960 tract development -- just ideal for the trick-or-treaters.

  • Fun2BHere
    8 years ago

    Zero kids tonight as usual. I picked up a few cookie snack packs just in case because I have new children in the neighborhood. Next year, I'll go back to having quarters ready.

  • User
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Cindy - I think it's very considerate and a good idea to accommodate kids, but I have mixed feelings on that sign.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    8 years ago

    Our town and some of the neighboring towns have taken to doing "Trunk or Treat"....people congregate around a bonfire and the children go from car trunk to car trunk to collect their goodies. Some people will decorate their cars too. They have a guy telling the tale of Icahbod Crane and then the headless horseman rides through the crowd. The girl scouts are there to help escort the little ones around. More fun and a lot safer than having to walk little ones traipse around on our dark and narrow country roads with houses far apart.

  • gsciencechick
    8 years ago

    Couldn't post last night because I was dealing with the crowd of trick or treaters! I went in to work yesterday. I had open house/recruitment until 12:30 then I stayed to do some data analysis and I needed SPSS. I left at 5 p.m. Normally kids here start closer to 6:30 p.m. but DH had kids show up at 5:30. We had about 15 bags of candy and it is all gone. It's really a lot of fun because we get big groups of kids. Our neighbors do a huge Halloween display so we get the overflow.

    Then we watched a live stream of the Voodoo Music Festival from New Orleans.

    Up early due to "fall back" and cats still thinking it is the normal time to be fed.

  • maddielee
    8 years ago

    Although there were only 4 houses with outside lights lit on our block, we still had about 50 Trick Or Treaters. Cute, polite kids. Nice evening.

  • arcy_gw
    8 years ago

    WOW many of you start really early! Ours goes from 6-8p.m.. Last year we had three knocks at our door. This year, none. It is very sad. We too have a welcoming display of Linus's pumpkin patch with 8 lit up jack-o-lanterns and a few other festive decorations up to the door. Once upon a time we woudl get at least 10-15 door knocks. Never HUGE in this neighborhood as all the homes sit on 2-3 Acre lots. Back in the day we had a guy who went all out, scared the HECK out of the kids with his decorations. The town all cruised by to see it. Some stopped for candy. We counted maybe four homes out here with kids the right age these days...they maybe all went into town to gra-mas to T/T. this year. I bought two measly bags of Reese's snack size pumpkins. Planned to give them out by the handful, as I could not find the full size pumpkins. Oh well DH and I each had two last night and the rest will go to school with me tomorrow for my students who stay for after school study. Gone are the days when I spent a week thinking and prepping a home made treat...I did graveyards in a bag one year, caramel corn, Kettle corn--bagged with spiders and flies mixed in....lots of FUN.

  • deegw
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    There are two neighborhoods in our town where everyone goes to trick or treat. My neighborhood is not one of them. I had one boy, the neighbor's grandson. In our old town we lived in the trick or treat neighborhood and I do miss all the excitement.

  • 4kids4us
    8 years ago

    Our gaggle of kids has grown over the almost 20 years we've lived here. It's a former summer beach community 30 miles east of Wash DC. When we first moved here it was slowly transitioning into a year round community. There were not many young families. When my kids were little, we'd have to walk long stretches b/w houses b/c so many were still vacation cottages. Now we have lots of young families in the neighborhood so many more kids coming round than in the past. We had about 60 kids whereas previous years were closer to 30. I only have two still young enough to trick or treat but they are older than most of the little ones here, so they end up spending the night at friends' houses in more typical subdivisions where they can walk around with a bunch of their friends.

  • eld6161
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We got over 100 kids. But it's not not the same since I no longer have young children. I did not recognize any of the kids that came to the door.

    There was a block party around the corner and I think many of my neighbors took their kids there. One mom told me my block was desolate this year, so only a few houses on the block with lights on.

    The main reason why I participate is to feel the camaraderie with my neighbors.

  • User
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Strange-- we heard the doorbell at 10pm, all lights were off, but we were in our PJs (I was reading in bed), so didn't answer. Now I'm afraid to go outside, convinced we got egged or something, since we ignored whomever it was. :D

  • robo (z6a)
    8 years ago

    I went trick or treating with my god children and it was super fun. The girls are cute and polite so all the neighbors get a kick out of them. Their next door neighbor gave them treat bags with hand knitted mittens and hats, I thought it was just about the most adorable thing. We sent them up and down a couple of big hills so they were more than ready for bed and one fell asleep on my lap. Halloween is a lot more fun with little kids around! We usually get around 90 kids but this year it was more like 50, although my sister in a dense suburban neighborhood got over 200. I dressed in a giant banana costume again this year and it is a huge hit with the under 5 set.

  • Sueb20
    8 years ago

    This was the first year that I didn't have a kid who wanted to TOT. So sad. I loved taking my kids out -- and that was always my job, while DH stayed behind to give out candy. We went in a group from our street, and we moms would have red Solo cups with beer in them. Don't judge. Now my youngest is 14 and she gave out the candy. I never count the kids but I bought 6 bags of candy and we have about 1/3 of it left. I never buy the right amount -- it's either not enough or too much!

  • Nothing Left to Say
    8 years ago

    Ds had food allergies when he was little so I always give a non-food treat. I bought 1500 little bubble bottles. We were out around 8:15 which is longer than I expected them to last. Our neighborhood is a major destination for trick or treating.

    Best moment of the night. My next door neighbor found dropped keys and walked up and down the street trying to find their owner with no luck. A couple of hours later I heard snatches of a conversation in front of my house with a woman saying, I don't know what else to do and a teenager saying, I looked everywhere. I looked up and said did you lose your keys? The woman said yes. I said, go ask my neighbor he found some. She came back about ten minutes later and gave me a hug. She was very pregnant and they had driven over quite a ways and were planning to walk home through some not very nice neighborhoods. I am so grateful that my neighbor found those keys! I can't imagine how awful it would have been.

  • violetwest
    8 years ago

    Non stop from about 6 to 8:30. Could barely even visit the bathroom. Handed out about $50 worth of candy; split between chocolate types and fruity types. Ordinarily fun for me (after many years at my old place with almost no TOTers) but kind of exhausting in my current debilitated state. Next year maybe I'll enlist a grandkid helper.

  • User
    8 years ago

    Oh, I am totally judging you, SueB. Beer? While trick or treating?! Tsk.


    I would have had cheap wine. :D

  • prettybluehouse
    8 years ago

    We had heavy rain, but still got about 25 kids. We live at end of a long, dark cul de sac, so that was pretty good. I was out with my girls and we saw every neighborhood kid we know. We all just used umbrellas. I was delighted to see a house where they had a table set up in the garage so people could step out of the rain. They also offered adults a glass of wine or Prosecco. They might be the best neighbors ever.

  • bpath
    Original Author
    8 years ago

    Crl_, one year my drivers license fell out of my pocket while walking the kids around. A week or so later my friend 4 blocks away called to tell me the yard man was raking their neighbors' leaves and found my DL! Imagine the chances of him even seeing it amongst the leaves!

    We've had folks in a couple of different neighborhoods who set up a firebowl in the driveway or garden and hand out the treats there, then the grownups hang out with nachos and wine while the kids do the surrounding houses, then we move on. Fun for all!

  • busybee3
    8 years ago

    tons of kids tot here... they don't start until 6 and it's all supposed to be over by 9- we had over 30lbs of candy and still turned off the light by 8ish because we were all out! hundreds of kids(and parents- many who were also dressed up!), so many of them looked great and all were sweet/polite. I like it a lot, but after a couple of hours, I was tired of sitting outside and commenting, etc!!

    I think the trunk or treat concept is a little weird and takes away even that little bit of exercise(and fun!) out of a child's day! I understand the safety thing in certain areas, but it just seems like yet another way to allow kids to be inactive!

  • Nothing Left to Say
    8 years ago

    It is so funny to me to read now when people say they got a lot of trick or treaters. I have never lived in a destination neighborhood for Halloween before. But now that I do anything under a thousand sounds like not that many. Perspective sure does shift depending on experiences! I am sure that our neighborhood saw in excess of two thousand trick or treaters last night, though I quit at 1,500.

  • bungalowmo
    8 years ago

    I had a ton of kids come through my neighborhood! I love Halloween! So fun.

    Here's some shots.... Everyone loved the torches!!

    My place....

    My costume....Witchy Poo!

    My friend & I...heading to the party

    Lots of fun!!!!

  • Bethpen
    8 years ago

    We live on a long, dark dirt road and have never really had trick or treaters except the neighbors' kids. I was home alone last night and super nostalgic for the days we used to take our kids out. My mom would have a small party and we'd take the kids around her neighborhood where we know a lot of the people from my sister's restaurant. Our kids aren't big candy eaters, but we always had fun with everyone dressing up. (and maybe a red cup). I resorted to stalking facebook and texting my friends for photos of their kids and grands.

    I just found out the Health Center I work at sponsors a table at a Trunk or Treat event. I will be volunteering next year for sure. It's a great option here where neighborhoods are far apart and many homes are seasonal.

  • cawaps
    8 years ago

    We ended up only getting a few trick-or-treaters--3 groups, less than 10 people. So weird--most years we get closer to 100. So I don't know what was going on.

    Love the Witchy Poo costume. Did you take your vroom broom to the party?

    Oranges pornges, who says?

    Oranges pornges, who says?

    Oranges pornges, who says

    there ain't no rhyme for oranges?

  • tinam61
    8 years ago

    We don't get many kids trick or treating. In more recent years, we've gone over to our church's fall festival, taken part in the food, the hayride and checking out the kiddie's costumes. They had it again this year (it is a very big to-do, they go all out!), but we had plans and were out.

  • bpath
    Original Author
    8 years ago

    Did you see this on the news? This young fellow is unable to trick or treat with his friends, so they turn it around on him. Love this take on a Halloween tradition!

  • anele_gw
    8 years ago

    Crl, where do you live?

    I was taking my kids around and my husband manned the cauldron of candy, so I don't know how many came. Didn't seem like as many as last time were out. I wish my husband gave out bigger handfuls. We have too much left!

  • Nothing Left to Say
    8 years ago

    I'm in the East Bay in the San Francisco area.

  • Faron79
    8 years ago

    We had an avg 165 people. I'm such a geek...I keep count every year!


  • amykath
    8 years ago

    I am the worst. Every year on Halloween I turn off all of my lights, lock the doors and hide in the bedroom.

    This year we bought a bunch of candy and then someone invited us to a party. I did not feel like going so it was just little ole' me in the house. So, I did what I do every year. Of course, no one came to the door.

    I promise I am not a mean old spinster. Haha