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Cat Won't Eat, Lost A Lot Of Weight

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

I have an orange tabby who is about 10 years old. He's had a problem where he seems to let loose small amounts of liquid feces or hard balls of feces while he is laying down. There were no other symptoms that went along with this so I figured it was just because he was getting old. About a month or two ago it became a lot worse as to where he just couldn't go the bathroom. He would strain and strain and either nothing, or a very small piece of feces, would come out. He would cry out in pain even if I just accidentally touched his rear end area. I brought him to the vet and he just skimmed over the bathroom problem, telling me that my cat had a problem with a tooth and would need a $1000 surgery to have it removed. He also gave me some antibiotics for his tooth. I gave him the antibiotics but am still saving up for this hefty surgery. His bathroom problems seemed to be gone for a couple of weeks. He was eating, drinking, moving around, purring, and letting me touch him happily. But within the past week or so he's completely stopped eating and looks like a skeleton, I can clearly see all of his bones and it breaks my heart. It's like I'm lifting a feather when I pick him up. I tried giving him Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers since he always loved to lick the gravy from his wet food and another food called Sheba. He denied both of them. I bought him kitten milk and pumpkin as I read on a forum about a similar problem that these could help. He also denied both of these. Finally, I used a syringe to try and get some of the kitten milk into his system. When I went back to check on him, he threw it all up. If things aren't looking up by my next paycheck I'll be bringing him back to the vet. But in the meantime I was really hoping that someone could help me with what I should try and what could be wrong with my cat. Please and thank you so much.

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