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my cat won't eat

16 years ago

My cat is 5 years old. I recently moved her from my dad's house to my boyfriend's (only a short drive away). I understand that a move can be traumatizing for a cat, but she's moved about 3 times now and has come out of it just fine, eating normally. This time however, I can't seem to make her eat. She's only been here about a week, but she's hardly eaten anything, and she doesn't play or even clean herself anymore. She's been going to bathroom fine when she does eat and she drinks water but nothing out of the ordinary. I don't know what to do. I feel like I should take her to the vet, except that she doesn't exhibit any obvious physical symptoms and she does occasionally eat and I don't want to put her through a trip to the vet if it's unnecessary. She's always been semi picky about what she eats but we never really stuck to one type of food and she's always eaten whatever she had.

I've tried expensive food, I've tried regular Iams, I've tried wet food, I've tried milk and I even tried putting catnip over her food. Nothing works and I'm starting to get really worried about her. Other than this food thing, she seems alright with her transition.

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