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A few of mine in the UK......

Phil UK zone 8b
8 years ago

Ok first up, if your expecting spectacular then scroll no further lol but here are a few of my seed grown adeniums mainly using my led lights and grow tent here in the UK. They are still young and I do beat myself up a bit as I tend to look at other peoples trees and the size of the caudex's astounds me at times and wish I too could grow something like that. I think in am slightly impatient but am always wary that I could be doing something different to give my little trees the best I can as I don't want to do something wrong and set them back months or longer.

Anyway here are a few of mine, and you will notice some with lots of leaves - would these be best pruned in any way or not? I am always open to suggestions as to give them better care or if you see something that you would do with them just yell, I am here to learn from you lot as this is my first year in adenium growing so want to learn from the best as this is a superb adenium forum/family we have here with tonnes of knowledge around, which I thank you all for.....

Large leaves on this one....

Not sure if the variegated will stay on this one or not?

These look promising to develop into fatties as they are my fattest seedlings ever grown lol sown 20-9-2015

One of my three golden bells I have from the current grow out

Another leaning tree - loads of leaves, would you prune them?

On the reverse of this tree is a small branch growing lower than the two main ones

A couple of Adenia glauca growing too, these were sown along with Cyphostemma juttea and dorstenia gigas seed from le jardin naturel on reunion island and these were the only two to germinate so wether I did it wrong I don't know, although I have a couple of Cyphostemma seeds left

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