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Hit a Deer - $$$

8 years ago

In mid-August, its 2 o-clock in the afternoon and we were preparing to leave on 2000 mile road trip the next morning. I'm running last minute errands, driving down the inside lane of a 4 lane in a 45 mph zone when I spy a pair of deer entering the median. Its a mommy with youngster that is 2/3 her height. I get on the brakes. They stop in the median, looks at me and then as get nearer, she steps out into the roadway; The smaller deer stays in the median. I'm braking hard and thinking that I'm going to hit her when she takes a mighty leap and gets out of the way with only a second to spare. The smaller one now decides to follow - we hit. It rolls over three times down the highway in front of me and several small pieces follow it. I think I got my vehicle hau;ed down to 15 mph before impact. Luckily, the air bags did not blow. (Only 2 weeks before, the front air bag had been replaced on recall - potential for shrapnel). After the struck deer regained it breath, it limped off the road side ditch. Someone calls the police for me. I'll need a report for my insurance company. It is break time and a squad car does not arrive until 45 minutes later.

I had been keeping track of the little deer as it was hiding in grasses. It had something broken in one hind leg. The police gave me small report and shooed me away. They had to put the deer down.

My car did not look bad from the distance, but raise the hood and there was plenty of damage. After bucking inward, the front grill had snapped back. Both radiator (coolant and air conditioner) supports were bent. The A/C radiator was bent but not leaking. In fact, both radiators held pressure. I took the car home and forced the radiators back to near the proper location. Both cooling fans worked and were free to rotate. Mounting tabs of the gril had broken. I patched that with small back tie-wraps, and test drive the car to check for leaks. I made a quick trip to insurance office and told them I'd see them in a little over 2 weeks.

We embarked on our trip the next morning and traveled over 2000 miles.

Four days after our return, the car was in the body shop. Total bill for repair: $3400. My part was $100 since I had not increased the deductible since i bought the car 3 years ago.

That little deer put me on edge while driving for the better part of the trip.

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