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Brown lower branches and needles on Monkey Puzzle Tree

Hey guys,

I have a 10 ft Monkey Puzzle Tree which was planted last fall. The tree is in a sunny location. After the winter the Monkey puzzle started developing brown on some needles and one of its lower branches turned completely brown a few weeks after.

Starting a few weeks ago another lower branch turned completely brown. The top half of the tree is mostly green. The brown needles is mostly on the lower half. I will post photos tomorrow.

I read that the Monkey Puzzle Tree's can be over watered easily so I water infrequently. I've watered the tree about 4 times this year for 5-10 minutes by hand.

We are in a moderate drought this summer. I live in zone 7b New York. I water the tree when it doesn't rain for about 2 weeks and the soil is dry. The soil that the Monkey Puzzle is planted in is a heavy soil which seems to stay damp longer but the drainage is good (The location is on a slight slope).

What am I doing wrong? Do you think that the tree is dying? Any helpful suggestion to properly water this tree would be appreciated.

Any helpful advice would be appreciated.


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