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Bromeliad losing color & new growth problem

Kiana Hunt
8 years ago

I've had my bromeliad for 4 months or so. It's in a clay pot with good drainage, in moisture control soil. Gets full sun 3-8 hours a day with the blinds open. It used to be a bright, radiant pink but as you can see the color is fading. (The color seems to be coming back, it was more faded than this 2 weeks ago) I water only when the top 1/2 - 1 inch of soil is dry to avoid overwatering and feed it with indoor plant food with each watering (every 1-2 weeks). The tips of leaves are also dried out and brown, with yellowing right behind it leading me to believe it's still struggling.

I noticed the new growth coming out of the top has shriveled and dried and i tugged on one of the little leaves only to have it pop out and see this white growth/mold at the base. It's also an excellent host for these little black gnats, hence the yellow pod at the base meant to trap them. Is there any way to save it? It has never flowered, but does have 2 healthy pups growing at the base. Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

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