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I don't think I like tweens

9 years ago

So I just spent a weekend with my 11 year old and her friends and I feel like I just barely survived it. I was going to vent about "other people's kids," but then realized it may just be me.

I seem to recall very little patience with my older daughter's friends at this age, too. And I love all of them again now that they are older.

Not sure what it is about this age group that bugs me, but they sure do. Sort of a lack of awareness of how they come off - whiney, demanding, can't seem to do anything for themselves, but want to be treated like they are big kids.

I really hope my kid doesn't act this way when she is with her friends' families. And even she said when we were alone again, that she couldn't believe how they acted (she said this without me saying anything). I just told her I was glad she knew how to behave properly when she is a guest, but didn't confirm that I felt her friends were rude.

Okay, so maybe this is a bit of an "other peoples kids vent." I mean, am I the only one who teaches their kids that when someone offers you a treat, you say yes, please or no thank you? Not, "I don't like that", or "don't you have anything better". Sorry, shouldn't even go there. It probably is just the age and my kid probably does it too. Sigh.

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