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Need help with my washer vibrating on my second story laundry room

9 years ago

Please help! We did work on our house which included moving our laundry room to our bedroom level. It is a split level and is located one floor above the floor on the slab (not over a basement, rather it's over a living area that is walkout level on a slab).

We have a maytag toploader about 6 years old. It vibrates the house badly when it goes into the spin cycle. I need to resolve this issue. the current floor is porcelain tile over plywood. We tried those silent feet/puck shaped vibration absorption things and while it helped somewhat, it still shakes the house. I read on here about putting down extra plywood or Sturd-l-floor and about using the farm mats to absorb vibration. Would the plywood/sturd-l-floor need to be drilled/attached to the floor or support beams? Or can we just lay the plywood over the tile floor and put the mat on top? I'd hate to have to ruin the tile we put down...especially if it ends up not being enough of a fix.

I'm also considering getting a new washer. The tech that came out to make sure it wasn't broken and causing the vibrating said to get a direct drive washer. A salesperson who has been in the business for a very long time said to stick with a top loader and not get a front loader. I have no problem sticking with the a top loader if that is the best to solve the vibration problem. What is the best (not too expensive) washer that will not cause vibrating? direct drive, top loader...which model? etc (I tried searching and only pulled up old threads, i'm assuming this answer changes as new products come out on the market).

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!

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