Need help with my washer vibrating on my second story laundry room
9 years ago
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- 9 years ago
- 9 years ago
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need help with paint in my sewing/laundry room
Comments (35)Ohh fun I'll check out the new island :) I love to see people's kitchens evolve. Thank you for the compliment on mine. I miss that darned kitchen LOL (We don't have one at the victorian). The old sewing room never got further than putting my fabric in it. DS suprised us (how did that happen) when he made himself known (thought I had food poisoning LOL) and my room became his :) I designed the room but because I broke my arm quite badly during the remodel doing venetian plaster, I had to hire it out to be done. I was really lucky because the artists I hired completely took to the vision I had and then embelished it and made it their own. They had become attached to my little guy durin the time they worked for us (did all of our textured walls in the townhouse) and added a lot of fun suprises while we were on a long hospital stay. He still misses that room....I have GOT to get one going here (it's going to be an alaska train room theme). I do have some freaking windows don't I LOL Definately a good opportunity to use collected fabrics heh heh It sounds like your sewing room looks like mine now. There is a reason I couldn't post pics of the window side LOL Boxes and couches...three of them stuffed in there to go to charity as well as several tables and antique sewing machines. It will be fun to see yours come together as I work on mine...want to race LOL I love the ironing board idea! I'll add one because I'd agree I like that too when I'm quilting. When I crazy quilt I absolutely need to iron each piece down before adding another. Otherwise you get odd puckers...much more so than with a normal quilt. I do have a 9' dining table and figure for the drapes I'll cut on there...but in the sewing room I want to do about a six by six foot table (two from ikea butted together like in the link on the other thread). I love the idea of it being for ironing and cutting but still...I don't want to get up for every piece. I have a cordless iron to help with that, so the location near the machines would be easy. DS getting up from nap...shall return!...See MoreNeed low vibration FL washer third floor old house
Comments (17)Update: the Home Depot delivery guys said it was an "extremely dangerous" delivery to take it up to our third floor (note I already have full size GE stackable up there. They said it was probably brought up via magic-really!). They made a big stink and said they may drop it and put a big hole in my wall and they went on and on about possible injury to themselves. However, they put it on us to decide whether we wanted it delivered and said we would have to waive any damage. I sent it back. (More drama with other washer they were delivering to the basement I will spare you.). Home Depot was great but I had to call them and have them call delivery company to get workers to leave other washer. It was very complicated and stressful. Two hours of back and forth about it! So I'm back to square one with the third floor washer. I'm thinking I will shop at local appliance store so they can advise on the delivery and won't subcontract. (They are the ones who suggested Electrolux for third floor but I went with Home Depot because of better price). What are your thoughts on a "compact" washer/dryer. Bosh has 24in. Electrolux has one too. It will be easier to get it up the stairs but I know nothing about "condensing" dryers. Note we have new large capacity washer in the basement so I don't need to do super large loads upstairs. Thoughts? Thanks!...See MoreNeed Help Remodeling My Laundry Room
Comments (10)I can't read your text on the image. Did you take it at a small resolution? I always send my phone pics to my email at "large" resolution, then save to my laptop and post from there. They seem to open up bigger in GW. But not positive about this. Click on my pics and see how big they are when they're opened. If you are considering cabinets, since your space is a bit shallow at 5', I'd suggest looking at IKEA Sektion 15" base cabinets as an option. They aren't deep at 15" and might be nice along that left wall. I don't know if the left side cabinets would interfer with what you have planned for storage or not. Here is a run of 8' cabinets at the 15" depth base and uppers I put into my DH office, during the installation process: bottom drawers in place. The drawers are only 12" deep though. Since the cabinets are only 15" deep, it is easy to get into the lowers, compared with shelves in a 24" base. Which I call hell holes. Counter top, handles, floor in place. Still need to do a wall treatment behind counter: This run includes 30" box at each end and a 36" box in the middle. The middle lower 36" box has 2 narrow top drawers and 2 18" cabinet doors for the bottom. You can see it in the full shot above. On the side where your washer is going you could put full depth cabinets in I would think. You could make some sort of surround with the product too, as when done around refrigerators. You'll need several inches on either side for help in placing and removing the set. Or you could put your set side by side. Or you could build a counter with the washer underneath, and place the dryer on top of the counter. One reason for not stacking is that if one machine fails you don't have to buy a whole new set for stacking. I don't know much about stacking unmatched sets, though I believe it has been done. If you're handy, you can easily do this yourself. The only thing that DH helped me with was the installation of the upper cabinet stainless steel hanger rack, and the middle upper. I did the rest. It was heavy but got it done. You do need to pre drill holes to connect the boxes, though the instructions don't tell you this. I made the countertop too out of scrap soapstone, but one could cut down a prefab laminate counter from the big box stores I think. ETA, I just went back and looked at your original pics and see that you already have storage on the left wall. But you should look at IKEA for storage options, they have a great selection and the kitchen cabinets are well regarded....See Morehelp me design my mud room/laundry room
Comments (4)I think I would rob some square footage from the hall closet and turn it into a walk in shower in the mud room I would add hooks and drying racks for all the wet stuff, boots, rain gear, umbrellas, waders, snow suits etc... You can also pop a kid or a dog in there pretty easy for a quick fix if needed. I put a narrow rack on the wall for dry shoes and boots. 4 lockers on outside door wall, be sure to have drawers for hats, gloves, scarves, glasses, goggles, ear protection etc... also have room in upper cubbies for helmets and ball caps etc.. I put in your stacked wash/dry and the 4'4" double drain board sink next to it. I would probably add a fold up/down shelf next to the wash dry for folding (on the outside of the shower wall). I only had the measurements you gave and no idea which wall is which or how wide the doors and closet outside etc were so this is just a rough draft......See MoreRelated Professionals
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