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Tall Fescue Overseeding in NC

I purchased my first home almost one year ago. My lawn was in bad condition, and needs help. My lawn is also fairly small, so this is not a massive job.

Last fall, I tried to overseed without aerating and was largely unsuccessful (except for a patch that was pretty bare).

I also believe I over-de-thatched with a lawn rake in early spring. Now my lawn is even less thick than it was originally. Despite my mistakes, I fertilized in April and my lawn looked great until June. Weeds have now infiltrated everywhere in between the fescue. I had crabgrass, nutsedge, and some crazy weed that grows especially long out (not up) and stretches out onto my sidewalk.

I have learned from my mistakes, but would still appreciate some guidance and advice. I plan having a professional aerate my yard towards the end of September, and then overseeding myself. I've found some good affordable seed, but am concerned about the seed not making contact with the soil, and not germinating.

Is aerating enough? Should I cut my lawn really low? I'm concerned the weeds will prevent the seed from germinating. Thanks.

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