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I'm all excited because I have four of the new daylilies

8 years ago

Going my regular crazy on the auctions has so far netted Jewel of Jewels, Fighting Fire, Bullfrog Kisses, and a bonus of

Punxsutawney Phil. All are in the greenhouse soaking, and will be potted to grow for a while. I am waiting on Rumble in the Jungle, Stealth Bomber, and an old Benz, Ruby Locket. His do so well here I figured it was worth $10 to pick up another.

The new ones from my last spree on the auction have delighted me this year as the two from my generous friends here, Catastrophe Waitress and Hot Tamales and Red Hots. You wouldn't think it would still be exciting to wait for new ones, but it is.


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