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White oak with sudden leaf drop (pics)

After being told by the U of Illinois Extension Service that they don't recognize my oak leaf problem, I'm hoping on the expertise of the gardenweb community. My huge, old white oak experienced a fairly dramatic 24 hour leaf drop, followed by another 48 hrs of light leaf drop. Leaves have gall spots, some are mis-sharpen and most distinctively have black petioles (leaf stems) while the leaf is green. They don't have the scorching of anthracnose, the outer ends of some branches are bare, but the crown is quite full. I am hoping someone recognizes the problem and assures me it's not that serious. After removing 13 ashes last year due to the borer, and recently losing a beloved shag bark hickory a couple of years ago due to straight line wind damage, I am heartsick about my oak. Thank you for any information :-)

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