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Bang bang bang

I am finally getting the new roof installed on the house. They started yesterday and got everything stripped off. Today they are installing the new shingles tomorrow they will install the new flat roof area. By tomorrow night I will be sleeping under a brand new, hopefully non leaking, roof.

Of course the banging is about to drive me and my dog insane. Yesterday I was able to use my headphones and watch TV but today they had to take my direct TV dish down so except for what I already recorded no TV. Guess I can watch on the pc and tablet. Good reason to make more totems!

Naturally first time I walked outside in the driveway yesterday I stepped on a darn roofing nail, it went through my shoe like butter and found flesh. Ouch! I'm lucky I had not put full force down on it so it only went in my foot part way. I cleaned it up good and put a bandaid on it. I am OK with my tetanus shot so not worried. But I am going to make sure they run the big magnets several times!

They are doing a great job and have not dropped anything into the atrium on my plants. The flower beds are looking OK too so far.

It's such a big hit to the pocket book though whew. I had no idea how much more expensive a flat roof is than a regular roof. This is a mid century modern house so even the peaked roof areas are not very tall but one whole section is flat with lots of floor to ceiling windows and 4 skylights. That section cost more than the entire rest of the house and garage combined. Plus I had to hire a flat roof professional installer because the other roofing companies would only give me estimates for the regular part of the house they would not touch the flat roof. This company is doing all of it with a great warranty. I absolutely am very happy with the guy that owns the company we are using he has been great. I told him I am putting one of his children through college I feel like family lol.

Now where did I put those headphones! Lol

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