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50 years ago today

9 years ago

50 years ago today, we eloped. Got married in Cincinnati where DH had recently taken a job at WLW and was in graduate school. A week before my scheduled visit during my spring break from teaching, he called to propose that we elope during my visit. He had set up everything. All I had to say was yes.

So we got married and another member of the WLW staff and his wife stood up for us. After dark, we headed off for Berea, Kentucky, for our two day honeymoon there and in Lexington. He could only get one day off as a new employee, so he traded with someone for the following week so that we could have two days together.

We sent telegram announcements to his grandparents and my aunts, uncles and older sister. I had brought James Michner's Hawaii with me to read while he worked that week.

Since my parents were dead and his had not even raised him, we decided eloping fit our budget and circumstances best. After I finished teaching that year and then finished up my masters degree work that summer, he flew out to drive me to our new place in Bethesda, Maryland, where he had accepted a job at WTOP and would finish his masters.

Thus the saga began. 10 moves and 3 children later, we are retired in southern California.

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