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Potting Or Planting New Bare Root Roses?

In the past, I have planted most of the bare root roses I have ordered in the ground. Several I didn't have a spot for at that time, I potted in big pots. From my observation, it seems the potted roses do better. Once they have that first season in the pots, I plant them out in the fall [or continue to grow them in the pots if I still don't have room]. I water and mulch the ones planted in the ground, they are in sun and planted in good soil and are well cared for, but it still seems the potted ones just do better - and when I do get them in the ground, they take off and grow well. I am thinking I will just pot up the bare root roses and let them get those first months in the pots and plant them in the ground in fall.

Does anyone else find this to be true, or do your in ground roses do just as well? Its no trouble for me to maintain all these potted roses and if it helps them get a good start, I would prefer to do it this way, but would like to know some opinions on this. Thanks!


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