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Persil at Walmart!

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

I was looking through the walmart flyer and I saw that they are introducing Persil in the US! Who knows if it will be anything like the German version... Im going to try and get some today just to check it out. Didn't care for the German Persil, it didn't clean worth a flip for me, but I can't resist trying something new. Also, Tide Pods has a new scent coming out.. Botanical Mist, might be interesting...

Comments (290)

  • 9 years ago

    Mama...it's made by AIEn (an American subsidiary).

    Here is their link.


  • 9 years ago

    I saw Persil on the shelves at a Meijer today. So it appears that the Wal-Mart monopoly is over

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    lets get this straight. I googled. I went to their website. I looked at the ingredients. nowhere does it say it has or doesn't have optical brightners, so get off your high horses. furthermore, the odor left in the clothes my wife washed in persil yesterday, aggravates my asthma, so I'm returning the Persil to Walmart. therefore, my original question is moot. People without allergy issues have no idea how bad some things can aggravate one's condition. over and out
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    Comments (9)
    The liquid is a very horrible performer I agree, but... It has a use. Once dosed correctly... It leaves certain delicate fabrics and cottons really soft, and looking well cared for (pill free) :) Two Tablespoons seems to be the right amount I think. It's a little sudsy in the wash, but the 1st rinse is clean :) If only it'd clean stained clothes.... Such a challenge for Persil apparently.
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    Yes Mike knows Roc is our cotton/linen expert and that I value every thing she's taught me. He also knows I never value someone's knowelage unless they deserve it...so he automatically knew if Roc said Persil Pearls than that is what I should use.....and Roc was right Larsi, the Pearls removed the mildew smell and all the dingy, even in warm water...I love my Tide with Bleach powder, but I wonder if it would have worked as well in less than hot water. But even so Mikes up to something, probably going to start on me about getting a new van again, he does every few months, LOL.
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  • 9 years ago

    I was looking at the comments on Amazon.com and a lot of people don't like Persil Pro Clean Original Scent.

  • 9 years ago

    Thank you George, I will find it when I least expect it.lol

  • 9 years ago

    Yep, I saw it at Meijer this past weekend too.

  • 9 years ago

    After using the ProClean liquid on and off since I bought it in the spring, I really dislike it. It does wash well but the scent is terrible. The worst part is that within a couple of days after washing, it turns worse. My daughter asked me to rewash the facecloths she uses to dry her face because they smelled funky. I also had to rewash some t-shirts that became unwearable because of the smell. Definitely not buying this detergent again.

    I have used both European and UK Persil in the past and NEVER had this problem.

  • 9 years ago

    I had a huge problem with persil proclean liquid scent..gagged me..until I realized I was overdosing and the clothes wernt rinsed well, now that I've learned how to dose it its fine..but a lot of people don't like the stuff. What detergent do you have in mind to use next? Inquiring minds want to know lol.

  • 9 years ago

    Haha, mamapinky, you should see my laundry room ;-) I have a whole bunch of half empty bottles and containers that I need to finish: Euro Persil powder for darks, UK liquid Persil for darks and whites, Vaska (regular and baby detergent). I just finished a large bag of Euro Persil powder for whites and that by far is the best detergent ever. I still have some Clorox Green Works detergent that I bought in a huge bottle at Costco - it works quite well for dark loads. And I will probably get some more Euro Persil powder to use in my white loads. I also bought a bottle of 4x Method recently. I used the 8x Method (in the pump containers) in the past and liked it but never tried the 4x. I'm always searching for that holy grail of detergents...

    BTW, I am definitely not overdosing the Walmart Persil. I initially bought the pink version but the smell was so awful that I returned it and got the blue version. I've been using it because I hate to throw it out but I am truly not pleased with it. I read larsi's comments on the Walmart Persil earlier and my experience is consistent with his.

  • 9 years ago

    100% agree with izeve! Besides Charlie's Soap....Walmart Persil is the worst detergent I have ever used. It does not clean, remove stains or deodorize and THE WORST part is after a few days sitting in a drawer or hanging in the closet....it smells like vomit. OMG, it is so gross. I thought it was just me, but there are several complaints on Amazon about the vile smell, after the wash sits for days.

    I washed our little beagle's dog bed in it a while back, and I SWEAR she refused to go in it, and she loves going to bed. She walked up to it, smelled it and then she laid on the floor! Walmart Persil is naaaaasty!

  • 9 years ago

    I tried the walmart persil pearls. I was not impressed. Perhaps my water isn't hot enough, but three washes left deposits on my black clothes and that was already with it set for an extra rinse. I'm not going to use the steam setting on my laundry just to get it hot enough to dissolve the powder thoroughly. (And I was using half of the amount it suggested for the smaller load with a decent sized load of clothes. It was not too much detergent.) After reading this thread, I'm certainly not going to bother with trying out the liquid.

  • 9 years ago

    @aa62579 -- If you have a front loader you should not use liquid but powder.

    Also, if you wash dark clothing, using Persil is really not a good idea unless it is the Persil specifically designed for colored clothing. I believe the Walmart Persil tries to wear many hats, but don't use it on anything but white stuff.

    The point of a front loader is to safe water. If you have to wash things three times you've lost the benefit of a FL.

    Go on Amazon and find two Persil: 1) for white wash only. It does a great job. The powder, that is. 2) Megapearls for colored clothing.

    You really can't use just one detergent for every color and fabric you have. You won't like the result!

  • 9 years ago

    I tried the proclean and pearls. One load with the liquid and gagged- returned it to walmart. The pearls did indeed leave a funky smell and gave me stuffy nose. Which immediately cleared when i changed the shirt.

    My daughter used the pearls for her whites and sheets, Her boyfriend could not breath. Re washed the sheets and all is well.

    What on earth do they put in the stuff? I have read the ingredient list but something is way off.

  • 9 years ago

    @oldie365 - Top loader, but one of the HE ones. Nothing in the literature about having to use powder, so I'm going back to pods or liquid. We have really cold water here from our well and due to the placement of the water heater about 100' away from the washer, true hot water isn't going to happen often unless I crank up the gas water heater or use the steam cycle, and I'm not going to do that. (Our bathroom where we shower, etc., is on a different water heater.) After doing more research, seems one source says powder and one source says liquid. Neither side has convinced me that they are always correct. With our loads always being on the cold side, I just don't think powder makes the most sense. Also, I do mixed loads. I have a few pair of socks that are white - other than that, probably not a single item of my clothing is white.

    I should clarify - I didn't rewash the same load three times. That was three attempts on different loads using the powder.

    I've been using one detergent for everything for over 20 years and I've never had a problem.

  • 9 years ago

    Never will I understand how anyone can get clothes clean on cold water..I know for a fact body oils won't shift in less than very warm.

    As far as HE and liquids, I think I've heard molds grow using liquids consistantly..however cold and cool water washing consistantly also is a sure way to grow mold in all washers.

  • 9 years ago

    I agree with Larsi, Charlie's Soap is one of the poorest performing detergents that I've ever tried in my front-loader. Save your money and don't buy that product.

  • 9 years ago

    I also dislike the scent of the Persil 2-in1 Liquid - it smells like a petroleum product. However, it gets out all kinds of stains that wouldn't come out with anything else. Since I don't like it for the whole load, I filled a small scrub bottle with the liquid and use it for treating stains. I then use a lighter dose of another detergent for the general wash.

    The ProClean pearls have worked well for whites, light-colored loads, and synthetic athletic clothes, just less than half a cap in warm to hot water (didn't wash well in cold). I really hate any fading and use the Euro Persil Megaperls with warm/105 water for bright colors, plus Woolite Dark for good jeans and other dark laundry (and Perwoll Black for dark delicates). Vaska is nice for sheets and towels but doesn't seem to get our clothes clean enough.

    So true about Charlie's. I tried it for a while when one of my children had rashes, but everything turned dingy after a while. Still, I have some around as a pre-wash powder to use with oxi bleach for very heavily soiled loads (we have dogs), followed by the regular detergent wash cycle.

    For the Euro Persil for whites, does anyone know what the bleaching/whitening ingredient is? Thanks!

  • 9 years ago

    Philosophermom...what a great idea to use the liquid persil as a prewash, that is really a very good idea. There are some here that have the stuff but won't use it do to the scent, it ought to do very good as a stain pretreat since its loaded with enzymes..I had a terrible time with the scent when I first started using it. I've learned to be careful with dosing and rinsing and now I rather like the finished scent. I haven't found any lingering funky scent afterwards like some have.

  • 9 years ago

    I was doing some late night shopping at Kroger and saw Persil on the shelves! Oh happy day! No more WalMart! They only had 2 varieties on the shelves and they didn't even have tags/prices yet. I think they may have gotten them that day.. looks like it's slowly trickling in!

    FYI...I'm in the Dallas area (Frisco to be exact)

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've been very hesitant to post about this. But... after briefly seeing Larsi's comments I realize it can't all be in my head.

    For the past couple of weeks, I've been absent mindfully using Persil Power Pearls for loads of whites. I did notice... the lack of suds whatsoever & scent, and just assumed (It's Persil, it's supposed to rinse well) but... the more I did Laundry, the more I noticed...

    That a lot of my Kitchen Towels were starting to look bad, and so did my socks. They didn't really smell *clean*...but they looked okay. They didn't look unwashed, but they weren't Tide Plus Bleach or Ariel Clean. I shrugged it off, with me, assuming I didn't prime the water or something.

    But... last night, when I did a load of whites. It finally hit me, after I was unloading things, that something isn't right here. My socks shouldn't look this bad. Even Liquid Tide *did* a better job than this.

    Instead of doing a quick-follow up cycle with LCB & Anti-Chlor (ask me later)... I rewashed the load with Tide plus Bleach powder, and... while I was unloading, I was shocked.

    I guess I had been dismissing thoughts in my head, but our dish towels really did look much whiter, and... everything, felt cleaner.

    Something is very different about the Persil Power Pearls & the Persil MegaPearls, I've been used to using. Larsi isn't alone, something IS different. I'm just trying to figure out, if this is just a bad batch of bottles, or... something more.

    Has anyone else, had a lot of success with the power pearls? Anyone else thinking there not up to performance?


  • 9 years ago

    @mamapinky0 I think in some places, during the summer.. Cold could technically be fine for some loads. I mean... it can get so warm, I could see it working well.

    Now... as for the Northern States, or the Winter Time. Ehh. I've felt Tap Water that's barely 40*... nothing is coming clean in that.

  • 9 years ago

    Mitch, last week I picked up Miele detergent from the local Miele dealer, we talked briefly, he has a lot of customers that have been complaining for several months about Euro Persil, and many of them are now ordering Miele detergents. His mother is amoung these people. They are claiming the clothes don't look or smell as clean. He doesn't sale nearly the amount of Persil as he did several months ago. For sure something is wrong.

  • 9 years ago

    We are on rural well water. In the summer, our cold water is so warm that we shower without using any hot mixed in at all. I really think the results for one person doesn't always translate into the exact same results for another.

  • 9 years ago

    I read a lot on the CDC website recently and they said somewhere on there that it is more important to make sure your hands are clean as far as germs go. They said germs on laundry are killed by uv rays (as in hanging outside on a line) or by heat in the dryer.

  • 9 years ago

    Mitch, Its later, and I'm asking LCB and anti- chlor together?

  • 9 years ago

    Liquid Chlorine Bleach, is like a magical... powerful chemical. It completely sheds dirt & tough stains in Seconds, and makes everything look great. Heck, the smell of it even screams C-L-E-A-N.... But, it's downside... is it's affect overtime.

    No matter how many rinses you do, or how much fabric softener you use, Residual Chlorine becomes entrapped in fabrics, and when that goes into the dryer, it starts to eat away at the fibers a little. Wash, just enough... and you'll really start to notice the yellowing, and deterioration.

    But.... there's another magical cure-all. Anti-Chlor, is a chemical agent, commonly used in Hospitality & Hotel Laundry... that works by killing off & rinsing out residual chlorine in Laundry, COMPLETELY. Basically, you get all the amazing whitening & brightening, without all the yellowing & disappointment.

    I've been using the stuff... for what seems like forever, and I know it works. Your Towels & Clothes don't smell anything like Chlorine whatsoever, everything smells just, very very Fresh, without a specific scent.

    Keep in mind. I'm one of those crazy, few who actually LOVE the smell of Bleach, and really like using the stuff. It's not for everyone though.

  • 9 years ago

    Thank you for clearing that up, now I understand. Sounds like something that would be very beneficial to LCB users. I know pet/fish stores also sell anti chlor for aquariums, so many drops per gal of water to kill chlorine, I mentioned it somewhere here not long ago. Your right about Chlorine not fullying rinsing, its the gift that keeps on giving.

    Sin...didn't you mention this recently?

  • 9 years ago

    Mamapinky, I thought someone mentioned that Sodium Percarbonate "killed" LCB. On the Cheer box that I have for colors (not HE type) they mention an ingredient that neutralizes chlorine, thus being good for colors, as they advertise on the box.

  • 9 years ago

    I did mention that the small amount of sodium percarbonate in powder cheer is to neutralize chlorine in city water. Its in the powdered Cheer I have labeled For Both.

  • 9 years ago

    Reason this works is sodium percarbonate and chlorine bleach cancell each other out. Enduring do they mention the ingredients name on your box that neutralizes the chlorine? I'd bet they are referring to the percarbonate.

  • 9 years ago

    I didn't see any ingredients on the box. I will look later, after my nap :)

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a quick copy and paste of the ingredients of regular cheer, he not much different, just a couple of order changes:

    Ingredient Name

    Sodium Carbonate

    Sodium Aluminosilicate
    Alkyl Sulfate

    Sodium Sulfate

    Linear Alkylbenzene

    Sodium Percarbonate

    Polyethylene Glycol 4000
    Sodium Polyacrylate



    removes water hardness

    removes water hardness
    processing aid

    processing aid

    processing aid

    Oxygen bleach




    fragranceClick Here for


    enzyme (stain remover)

    suds suppressor

  • 9 years ago

    aamassther, I notice none of the ingrediants are for nutralizing LCB. Here is a picture of my box:

    Mamapinky, I used this with some STPP (if I remember right) I did a prewash in some cheaper soap, then did a hot wash with an hour soak. What I noticed was that after the fill with 130 h2o, it only felt lukewarm during the first 5 min agitation. I turned the heat up to the h2o heater to 140, but haven't done laundry since. We had turned it down some when we had company last month. Anyway, the jeans turned out clean. I haven't asked DH if he noticed anything, but I will. This machine is in the basement, otherwise I might consider boiling a pot of h2o and adding it to the main wash :)

  • 9 years ago

    Where in the world, did you get that box? ;) I WANT IT.

  • 9 years ago

    Are you asking me? Is it a rare box? I got it at the local small town grocery store, soon after I started following the different threads on detergents. Its not HE as you probably know.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's very rare. That's non-ultra Cheer, about as vintage as you can get (Late 90's Formula)... the last boxes of those, we're made in the early summer of 2009.

    I miss old format, non-ultra boxes like that. They we're a bit sudsy, but, smelled & rinsed better ;)

  • 9 years ago

    When did you even purchase that, was it recent? :)

  • 9 years ago

    Yeah I bought it about 3 months ago. I don't think there are any more there. Should I save the box. Should I try and buy another one and not open it?

    Yes, it smells good, I like the smell. I used it on my DH chore clothes in a top loader. Wasn't too sudsy for that.

  • 9 years ago

    DONT throw that box away...omg Isn't that something Mich? Would luv luv luv to find one around here. GREAT find.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Aren't you lucky? ;) Yeah, I see the box as very valuable. You've got a non-ultra box, with the original scent, and a untweaked formula. There's no silicone's in that box, just, full un-touched cleaning agents, prefect for a Top Loader.

    (Keep in mind, your 30 Load box has 1.5kg, my weakened Ultra has 1.2... ;) )

    If you really like the Cheer Powder, I'd go ahead, and purchase another box, if you see the same one again. You definitely won't see boxes like it again, at any store.

    Curious, was it free flowing? Or was it... sorta, hardened? I'm so shocked you found the box in the first place. I've never seen a non-ultra detergent box, in years ;)

  • 9 years ago

    It is free flowing. I am going to the store to look and see if there is another box tomorrow. But I don't think there is. I remember thinking that this was the only one.

  • 9 years ago

    Look closely at the Tide Boxes, too. Maybe even Cascade, you might find a little treasure trove at your store ;)

  • 9 years ago

    That's extremely cool what you found though. I'd kill for a box like that, lol :)

  • 9 years ago

    Ok Mitch, I'm on a mission :)

  • 9 years ago

    Enduring, ask the store manager if they have any more in the back, Mich have you been on a road trip lately lol


  • 9 years ago

    Enduring..you washed clothes with that Cheer..they must have smelled devine.

  • 9 years ago

    I'd love a good road trip ;) Especially if it involves, detergent aisles, lol.

  • 9 years ago

    I fly home to the U.K every year to see my parents. My mum has used Persil for 20 years, the powder version. It cleans clothes great and whites come out white. The handwash is brilliant as well. I have not found a detergent here in the U.S that I feel actually cleans great. I haven't tried persil here yet but I'm pretty sure it will have been changed, either because of laws here on the chemical makeup of the item. I'm tired of scrubbing with oxyclean.

  • 9 years ago

    I still use Persil but not the inferior product sold at Walmart and possibly other places. My clothes come out clean. Our towels, at least ten years old, look as white as the day we bought them. It takes the right washer, the right detergent, the right temperature, and knowing the type of fabric.

    Unfortunately, many consider laundry a chore, to be done as fast as possible. No thought to care. Bleach is not the answer but this is what this country has been sold on. Instead, we should evaluate the stains then treat them accordingly. Of course, clothes are so cheap. Toss them an buy new. Not something my husband and I practice. Our stuff lasts many years!

  • 9 years ago

    Diane, have you tried Tide with Bleach powder for whites? I have great results with it. As you know Tide is the TOL in detergent in the US and quite honestly it is a good detergent, its the scents that are so god awful bad.

    What kind of washer do you have, what water temp do you wash in and do you have hard or soft water? These all play a huge roll in how well detergents will work.

  • 9 years ago

    I have the same looking box as Enduring but mine does say concentrated in the corner and clean rinse technology in the other corner. Mine was 120 load from Sams and says HE--not for all types just HE. I have had it a long time but it is still loose powder. No clumps. Got about 1/4th box left. Takes a long time to use up just using on colors.

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