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Post Pregnancy Joint Pain & Muscle Stiffness

10 years ago

Wondering if others have experienced joint pain and extreme muscle stiffness following pregnancy? Mostly in my hands and feet but also knees, etc. Had children after 35 (now 41). Started after my 1st child was born but off and on. With my 2nd child, starting a couple of mths after birth, I developed debilitating pain in my feet, hands, wrists, knees and sometimes elbows (my back too but I had a bad back before so hard to say tho has been worse) and it is constant. Seen 4 doctors but no answers. Certainly low Vit.D and have been on high-dose (prescrip) supplements for about 9 mths. Fam doc thinks hormone related and I believe so as I had limited pain during my 2nd pregnancy. My toes feel like a giant hand is wrapped around them, crushing them. Usually the balls of my feet feel like they're curling in/under; makes it incredibly difficult to walk especially in the mornings (not to mention running after young children!). My wrists feel swollen and ache; in my finger joints it comes and goes. My knees feel swollen and sometimes ache so bad can barely move. And the all-over muscle stiffness is unreal! After sitting for only a few minutes, I am stiff as a rock and painful/slow to stretch out. Once IâÂÂm moving ok though pain still there. Hard to be active with this so have put on weight but not much and weight gain doesnâÂÂt explain pain in upper limbs. Yoga helps, massage and heat too but all only temp. Pain/stiffness can be so bad will wake me in the night; have to get up and force myself to move thru it to ease it. One doc said have fibromyalgia but felt was diagnosed dismissively, just didnâÂÂt want to be bothered anymore (was filling in for my fam doc). Seen a rheumatologist and he said not fibro. I have blood indicators for high inflammation but not arthritis (and thankfully no joint deformation). Rheum says may or may not be arthritisâ¦leaves me nowhere. While breastfeeding was on Vimovo (active ingredient is naproxen (same as Alleve)) so I could function but makes my ears ring like crazy! Off it now as donâÂÂt want ringing to be permanent and no longer breastfeeding (tho only recently stopped); pain is back and bad as ever. Wondering if anyone else has had similar experience? Thank you for reading.

This post was edited by Audlee on Tue, Jan 6, 15 at 13:22

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