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New Meyer lemon tree- need advice!

10 years ago

Hello everyone! I purchased a Meyer lemon tree from an online nursery in September, and I am looking for advice to improve its health. It had no buds, flowers, or lemons when it arrived, and I want to learn how to get it to bloom and grow. I am new to citrus and houseplant care, so any and all advice is welcome!

To begin, when I received the plant I put it in new plastic pot using most of the soil it came in and just added Miracle Grow citrus mix around it to fill up the rest of the space in the pot.. I have since learned from these boards that this is not optimal and plan to repot with the 5-1-1 mix soon. Will this be too much stress on my tree? It is December in Michigan..

Second, many of the leaves at the top of the tree have yellow spots, with a brown residue underneath where the spots are (see pictures). Is this scale? I have looked on the internet to try and diagnose this but I am unsure.

Third, my tree has recently dropped about a dozen new leaves, mostly small ones at the bottom of the tree. I assume this is probably from too much water/poor drainage, but again I am unsure.

The tree is by a east-facing window- should I supplement with a grow light through the winter? It is not very sunny in Michigan during the winter.
I also just bought the DynaGrow Foliage Pro and gave it a dose according to the packaging (1/4 t in 1 gallon, but only used about 1/2 gallon to water). So, one dose of fertilizer so far since September.

Any advice is tremendously appreciated!


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