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Sacrificial season?

Sloan Quinn 8b
9 years ago

Hi, all! I was wondering what all the more experienced (than me) gardeners around here might say about an idea I've been kicking around in my head. This may be kind of twisty - my thoughts are all over the place - so I hope you can bear with me. (The question bit is down at the end if you want to skip my blowing off steam.)


Back in May, my husband and I bought 3 acres with a house, and I've been itching to get gardening, since it's been YEARS since I've had enough space to do anything. The original plan was for me to get beds dug and ready for fall planting, but, go figure, I turned up pregnant within a month and a half of moving and the shovel went back in the shed.

Anywho, I'm now 7 months pregnant and getting really anxious for something to do other than sit around and clean my house (I'm also told that pulling weeds can be very relaxing after dealing with small children all day). For a while I was vaguely planning on renting a tiller and setting DH to work making beds for me, and building walls around them as time and money allow to build them up.

And here's where it gets frustrating. We've got moles and gophers in our area. For the last six months or so, I've seen the occasional mole run near where I've chosen for my future-garden, but no evidence of gophers and no huge damage to the ground that really got me concerned about burrowers, so I wasn't really worried about a couple seasons of not being in raised beds (a bit naive of me, I know). Then the other day, DH and I were talking about it and went out to look at my chosen location, and, not 10 feet away, there was a big ol' line of gopher mounds. Crushed.

Went back to the drawing board. The original plan (take 2) was to till up a couple of 4'x20' beds, or split those into 4'x10' beds if I decided 20' was too long. Without denial about gophers being ruled out, I have to account for those, and the only way I've heard that works pretty much across the board is to have raised beds with hardware cloth on the bottom. Checked out prices at the hardware stores and lumber yards, and we won't talk about what it would cost to build even one 4'x20' bed (that's almost 3 yards of soil I'd need to fill it!) Basically, what it all came down to is that for what I had been planning to spend for my big beds, I could probably build ONE 4'x8' raised bed with the hardware cloth underneath. Not counting seeds.


All of that nonsense I just typed out leads to the following two choices for me:

Option 1 - "Raised beds": Build perhaps 1 (maybe 2 in a good year) raised beds (with hardware cloth underneath) per year until I've got enough space

About $100-$125 per 4'x8'x12" raised bed, including soil

- All the goodness that comes with raised beds
- Not losing my mind over gophers (?maybe?)

- Expensive!
- Would take forever to have enough space to can/freeze for the year
- Would take money away from other long-term projects planned (fencing, goats, etc.)

Option 2 - "Screw It": Prepare for a sacrificial season - Rent tiller, (get DH to) till beds, plant, try various methods to keep out gophers

About $120-$150 for the whole shebang, including gopher control (hopefully)

- Plenty of space to play in right off the bat (or at least enough to keep me occupied w/ a new baby)
- Reasonably inexpensive
- Would def. learn something about gophers

- Would probably lose some plants, possible total loss
- None of the goodness that comes with raised beds
- Possible hair loss due to pulling

I have zero experience with gophers and don't know if I'm underestimating the insectivore moles, but I'm really tempted to go with the screw it option and just prepare myself to lose my harvest, if that's what it comes down to. What do y'all think?

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