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Report from the holiday cocktail taste tester (hic!)

13 years ago

I've been spending some time at the liquor store, and bringing home ingredients to make some of the cocktails we talked about. Here's my report so far:

The Candy Cane Martini (recipe below, so you don't have to hunt for it) posted by Glenda was delicious! It tastes like chocolate-covered mints. I must serve this at some point over the holidays. I didn't bother crushing the candy canes for the rim, but I'll do that for guests. I bought the little candy canes.

I also liked the Gingerbread Apple Cocktail, and have the spiced graham cracker crumbs ready to go for the rim of that one. I omitted the orange zest, since I didn't have an orange. If you're not familiar with Domaine de Canton, it's a ginger liqueur from France. I bought it with a gift card earlier in the year.

I had posted a recipe for Mocha Nog, and wanted to try it. However, I was unwilling to pay $20 for Kahula Mocha, so came up with my own variation. It was very good!

Candy Cane Martini

1.5 oz. vodka

1.5 oz. white creme de cacao

1 oz. peppermint schnapps


In a shaker, combine the ice, vodka, white creme de cacao and peppermint schnapps. Shake the drink vigorously until well mixed.

Crush candy canes with a rolling pin or other heavy object between wax paper sheets.

Dip rim of chilled martini glass in water and then dip wet rim into crushed candy canes. Pour drink into glass and garnish with a mini candy cane.

Gingerbread Apple Cocktail

2 oz. Domaine de Canton

1 oz. vanilla vodka

2.5 oz. apple cider

A few drops of lemon juice

Orange zest

Agave syrup

Line a chilled martini glass lightly with agave syrup on a dish followed by spiced graham cracker crumbs. Place all ingredients except for orange zest in a shaker and shake vigorously. Strain into glass. Freshly grate orange zest on drink and serve immediately.

Mocha Nog (variation)

1 part Pinnacle Whipped Chocolate

2 parts Kahlua or other coffee liqueur

4 parts egg nog (I used Lehigh Valley, which was highly recommended)

Shake with ice and serve in martini glasses.

The Pomegranate Cosmo is still on my list to try. One result of this project is that I now have a very well-stocked liquor cabinet! Since I don't enjoy drinking alone, I'll have to do more entertaining. And that would be a good thing.

Let me know if you try any of these!

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