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Where are you in your Christmas shopping?

16 years ago

I'm almost done, but I'm not buying a ton of stuff for anyone, even the kids. Most of their gift is a trip this summer. They needed clothes and shoes, though, so I bought a few of those. Now I need to find Lauren a charm for her bracelet. Gold sure has gone up and I don't want to spend the amount they're asking for some of the stuff that's on Ebay now. I've looked at Ebay, JCPenny, Target and some place called Charm World on-line. I may skip this year's charm and get two next year.

I want to get my dad and brothers something too. Was thinking of getting one brother a gift card for Amazon so he could download books for his kindle. My other brother likes to hunt so I may get something he can use while hunting. I have no idea what to get my dad. I've been thinking of getting him a new recliner. I just don't know how to go about it so far away. I guess I could buy it on-line and have it shipped?

Has anyone ever bought furniture like that?

So, how much have you gotten done in your shopping?

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