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Yard sales and Goodwill this week

13 years ago

Yard sale season doesn't seem to end but I didn't go to any last week and this weekend I only went to one since I knew the woman having it and she has 3 boys. I passed by quite a few though. We drove 2 hours to see my mom and Nick begged to stop at every yard sale on the way there (we didn't!)

I got some clothes for Nick and cowboy boots for him ($1) and a couple small toys. I actually went twice - Nick was hunting earlier in the morning when I went and he wanted to go when he got back. Spent under $10 total and got some nice Gap clothing in there.

They only have a choice of being farmers or cowboys at school for Halloween so he will be a cowboy in his new boots.

Scored bigtime at Goodwill today. Dan is obsessed with the Wiggles so I always look for DVDs or tapes and today there were 9 Wiggles tapes, 97 cents each. I bought 7 because I actually picked up the other two titles on DVD from other sources this week, when I started my Christmas shopping online. So much for planning ahead. They also had a huge Wiggles picture but I passed. It was cheap and Dan would have loved it but I wasn't bringing it home.

I also found one of those plush animal leashes. I think it's too late to leash train Dan but if any child needs a leash, he does and for $1.97 I picked it up just in case.

Also got a cute casual winter coat for $4, a fondue pot (completely not needed but it's a newer one and it was only $2.97), Nigella Bites and another cookbook.

Oh yes, and a fan. The fan is brand new. They had a bunch of them. My sleeping fan died and you cannot find fans in stores this time of year here. Only $3.99. It runs on batteries or a cord. Will come in handy if we lose power when it's hot.

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