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Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion, part II

13 years ago

Hi Kids,

Well...did you watch last night? Talk about in like a Lion and out like a Lamb... what was that? I watched from beginning to end and I am glad I put the time into it. What a different experience it was from part 1 of the reunion.

First of all, Brava to Jacqueline! She saw the light and in the end she did the mature and right thing...she got rid of all the bad and allowed the good to come back in! That honest realization was what was needed. It opened the door to all the hugs and kisses. Not so dumb after all! I got the impression that those were her true feelings, good for her! I would hope that she goes her own way, does not get cozy with Danielle again, but she has ended the season on a high note. also, Jacqueline looked great last night...cute and pretty.

Teresa really needs to watch her mouth and her anger. What a wild temper she has. Why was she so nasty to that other women...Kim G (?)...calling her old and elderly? did I get that right? Gosh, I thought Kim was a beautiful women, have no idea how old she is but what would that matter anyway? Who is she? Teresa was rude to her and really showed how immature she is. But on the other hand, Kim can hold her own when it comes to using some of those big, bad words... Why?

Caroline...geesh, I think it's time for her to just go away. Her first stop should be to an Optometrist office to find out why her eyes roll around so much. I am sure she is not happy with what she saw of herself on TV last night. She needs to step back figure out if whe really wants to be on a show like RHWONJ. was better last night but she still presents herself as a sad and messed up woman. I'll bet she really did do most of what the women say she did. Why? I hope she can find some happy in her life.

So, did you watch? What did you think?


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