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AARGH! Wine Bottle Burst in Car! From Heat, I Think!

13 years ago

This is so pathetic. I had parked my car on the street yesterday in blazing sun (hot and humid here--heat index above 100). When I went out in early evening to put it in the garage I smelled it before I saw it. One of two large bottles of red wine I bought two days ago and sitting on the back seat floor in a bag had BURST! I had been "meaning" to bring them inside and just put it off because of unloading other groceries, etc. It must have been from the heat but I had no clue that glass bottles would burst in heat. I diluted it with water and blotted it up as best I could, then left the car windows open (in the garage) to dry, but it was blazing hot and humid again all last night. I'm scared to go face it today! I am less worried about stain (the carpet is a dark charcoal gray) than lingering smell. What should I use to scrub it?

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