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DD being harassed by roomates-what's your opinion? (Long)

14 years ago

My DD who attends university out of town shares rent with 3 other girls. They each paid the same amount of rent and utilities per month. Their landlady had approximated how much they should pay for the utilities, but promised to rebate them if they used less. After reviewing last year's invoices, she saw that she had overcharged them and left a message with DD that she'd leave the rebate in their kitchen. DD is the only one at the house (same as last summer) because she found a part time job there, while the other 3 girls returned to their hometowns for summer jobs.

DD saw the landlady had left cash for them, so she took her portion (one quarter) of the money and deposited it in her bank. She emailed the other 3 girls, to let them know that they'd received the rebate, and told them of the hiding spot where she put the envelope. She is often away with her job, and didn't want the envelope left out on the kitchen counter. One girl emailed her, thrilled that they'd received so much back, but then stated that DD should take a much smaller portion, since she was the only one in the house during the summer using any utilities. She obviously forwarded the other 3 her email, because DD immediately was contacted by another girl who basically rudely accused her of swindling them out of money by taking an equal share for herself. The 3rd girl hasn't emailed anything (although she may feel the same) probably because we are neighbours and good friends with her parents. I'm sure she hasn't even discussed this with her folks, who I'm confidant would assure her DD hasn't done anything shady.

DD emailed back the two girls, reminding them that they all paid the same utility fees each month, because a lease agreement does not recognize individual comings and goings throughout the year, whereby you don't get to use your 'share' of the utilities during your absences. She explained that likewise, they are all entitled to receive the same amount of rebate for the overcharge, despite some opting to be away in the summer.

Unfortunately, the same 2 girls immediately began barraging DD with nasty emails, calling her greedy and devious, and accusing her of taking from 'their' portion, because she took an equal portion!

DD, who had a good relationship with these girls prior to this money situation is now beside herself. She hates ending things like this, (she'll graduate after August) even though the only girl she will likely see in the future is the one who she hasn't heard from, whose family is our neighbour. Her email explaining that she is legally entitled to an equal rebate portion was polite (I read it) and even apologetic that had she realized earlier of their thoughts that she didn't merit an equal portion, she would have explained it to them at the time, so her taking her equal share wouldn't have come as a shock to them.

Another snooty reply came from both of them, still disregarding that DD is legally entitled to an equal portion, and further insisting that she should get less since they weren't there in the summer to use any utilities and she is just greedy.... If this was $50.00, DD would have simply waived her share to spare the friendship. But it amounted to over $300.00 each, and she has school loans to pay back.

Should DD just never reply again, or send a final email in response, saying that despite being very hurt that they believe she would take something that didn't belong to her, she had a wonderful time being roomates with them and she wishes them all the best in the future? She just hates ending things on this note.

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