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The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me

11 years ago

It burns me up. We've had hot temps the past, well, couple of weeks now and the past week has been awful. And people are out there jogging in the heat and then go check into the hospital. Stupid. But that's not what burns me.

What really gets me are these MORONS who take their dogs out to run with them in this kind of heat. At least two dogs (locally) now have dropped dead from this abuse and several more have been treated by vets. If the idiots want to go and jog in the heat, fine. Drop dead if you want to. (Don't bother going to the hospital - you jogged in this heat, you take care of what you brought onto yourself.) But animals can easily overheat and killing them like this is reprehensible. The owners should be charged with animal abuse.

At least I haven't heard of kids or animals being left in the car in the parking lot while they run into the store "for a minute" and forget about them. But it's probably happened and I haven't heard about it.

End of rant. (Stepping down from my soapbox and reaching for a calming beverage.)

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