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What do you make of this reaction (from my dog)?

15 years ago

I'm really struggling with my 16-year-old dog, Angel's, situation. Since she enjoys her meals (and eats her dinner without fail every day) and her walks (slow, short walks), I have felt it's not her time to go. Many people have told me she'll let me know when it's time.

But one friend cautioned me that Angel might be trying to tell me, but I'm not getting it. Something that happened the other night makes me wonder if that might be true.

Badly stressed by Angel's incontinence and the resulting chronic lack of sleep (mine), I decided last week to try confining her to the downstairs bathroom for the night. I knew she would bark (it doesn't take much!), but I figured if I made a comfortable place for her she would quickly get tired and go to sleep.

I put her bed in the bathroom, along with a big bowl of water (her kidneys aren't functioning all that well, according to the vet), and put down plastic and papers on the remainder of the floor. I closed the door and went to bed.

She barked. And barked and barked. After 20 minutes or so I gave up and came downstairs and released her. I wasn't prepared to find her totally distraught. She normally pants and paces a lot, but this was different. She was panting so hard and so fast, and she kept moving with an awkward but determined gait. I couldn't get her to settle down for more than a few seconds.

This went on for a long time, and it was an hour-and-a-half before I felt comfortable leaving her and going back to bed.

I've read that panting and pacing is often a sign that the dog is in pain. As I said, she does that quite often. But the vet hasn't found anything to explain it. I haven't asked her (the vet) about this latest episode, but I'm curious if anyone knows what it could mean. I can tell you this wouldn't have happened when Angel was younger. She's a Briard mix, and has always been tough. I was shocked to see her so thrown by this incident--although I have never tried to confine a dog to a bathroom or anywhere else, so I don't really know how one would be likely to react.

Any thoughts?



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