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About Migraines (for Tami and others)

15 years ago

I'm hardly an expert on migraines, having experienced only one many years ago (I'll never forget it), but my daughter Jill got them beginning at age four. I just wanted to pass along a couple of things from her experience.

When she was ten I took her to a skilled homeopath. After a lengthy visit he prescribed a one-dose constitutional remedy through a homeopathic pharmacy. Jill took the dose, and that was the end of her migraines for eight years.

I don't know what the remedy was, and it wouldn't matter anyway since it was unique for her at that time in her life. Even if we'd been able to go back to the homeopath when she was 18, he would have had to start from scratch again.

After that, Jill discovered that aspartame (Nutra-Sweet, very big on the market at that time) triggered migraines for her. She was sure there were other triggers, but wasn't able to track them down.

I hope this helps someone.


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