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Things Learned Preparing & Cleaning Up on Thanksgiving

10 years ago

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

After a major prep/clean up, I like to reflect on how my new kitchen design would have worked better (or possibly worse).

The DW will be on the end of the island to the left of the sink. This will allow it to be open and not impede on anyone trying to prep/clean up area (it's currently over the most popular prep area). It was almost impossible to load the DW afterwards with someone else trying to do their thing.

The sink will be on a straight counter instead of in the corner. With only 2' in front of the sink, it was impossible for anyone to drop dishes off into the sink to be rinsed. Anyone doing the washing of large pots, had no choice but to place the rinsed items way to the side on the counter. Though we currently have a double sink, the person drying can't reach very well to get at them.

Oh did I say, I have a double sink. Don't get me started on having to wash huge roasting pans and serving dishes in the sink. Water went everywhere.

I was lucky enough to have 5 of us cleaning and prepping! That said, with the new arrangement, I'm concerned if that will allow enough room for that many (or more) to navigate around. Will I loose my "help" when they think there isn't enough room with a 4' wide passage? Four feet seems entirely adequate and preferable everyday but I don't want to render it way to small for helpers on those big days. We do have the frig on another run which would relieve some of the congestion.

What did you learn on Thanksgiving that affirms or makes you question your plan? What did you really appreciate about your new kitchen that would have made for another frustrating prep/clean up Thanksgiving?

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