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OT: crazy bird x post with bird watching forum

16 years ago

I did post this with the nature forum but hoped maybe some of you have seen something like this before. I've read it can happen during nesting season when birds get territorial, but this is more like "flyin' south for the freakin' winter" season, not nesting season. Nutty mockingbird won't leave my house alone! When I got up this morning he was sitting on one of the torches on the deck again, just waiting for the sun to come up. I think he sat there all night!!! Here's what I posted at the bird watching forum:

Hi there. This is my first time here, I usually hang out in the kitchen forum. Yesterday morning a mockingbird started attacking my windows and french door. I have no idea why but he kept it up from 10am till the sun went down around 7pm. Mostly he would sit on the torches on my back deck and attack either a back window or my french door. Sometimes he would fly around to the front of the house and attack the windows there. If anyone goes outside he flies over to a tree or my arbor and sits there and watches until we were either far enough away from the deck so he could start attacking again or back inside the house. I read about putting silhouettes of other birds or hawks in the windows and tried that, nope, he kept on attacking. I read about tying colored string over the windows so I put up hot pink paper streamers and nope, he kept on attacking. I have this Halloween decoration that is a skull that has spinning red eyes and laughs, plays music and talks when motion activated. I hung that on the door...but nope, he kept on attacking. My husband threw a cup of water at it, nope, kept on attacking. I held my cat up and he flew right at me. My dog jumps up at the window and he keeps on attacking. We waited and when it attacked we sprayed it with a hose! It kept on attacking. I don't know what to do, I don't want the bird to die! I've moved my feeders away from the house. My exterminator came yesterday (not because of the bird, he was doing his scheduled pest control thing) and he had never seen anything like it. Can anyone suggest a way for me to get rid of this stupid bird and prevent him from killing himself? He's left purplish poop all over the place, even splattered on the windows and the side of my house! Here's a few pics:

By the way, the hummingbird feeder you see is empty and has been for some time. Should I remove that?!!

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