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Help me with my crown molding dilemma please

11 years ago

I have to decide about molding by tomorrow and I was hoping you wonderful gardenweb members could tell me what you think.
My kitchen is open to our living room and partly to our dining room. We have a 4" crown molding in both those rooms. However, in the kitchen we decided to run the cabinets close to the ceiling to get more space (it's a small kitchen so every inch counts) so that same 4" crown won't fit. I knew this all along. The plan was so use a smaller crown all around the kitchen, but when I saw it on top of the cabinets I didn't like how the crown molding looked with our shaker doors. So my cabinet maker made a different molding for me that is more square. The question is; should we run the kitchen molding all around the kitchen and connect it to the 4" crown in the corners, or should we only put the kitchen molding over the cabinets and leave the rest of the kitchen wall without any molding at all? No, I can't run the 4" crown up to the cabinets because it would interfere with opening the cabinet doors.
So which option seems the least weird? Having two different moldings in two rooms that are open to each other or have molding all around one room and only partial molding in the other?

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