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Bought a few items at Home Goods for my FR - need feedback

16 years ago

Based on feedback on my recent family room thread I went to Home Goods to looking for a larger urn for my plant and something to fill the vacant TeV to better disguise the unattractive side view of the TV from my kitchen which is to the right of the family room. Right now I cannot put the plant inside the urn but it looks like sufficent space to transplant it--which when I do will lower it as right now it looks too tall.

What do you think? Either one or both?


I really like this pottery. The scale is much larger than what I had before though I think I will still need something to draw the eye upwards--either with a picture or some tall reeded type plants. The plants I got before don't seem quite right so will return to Michaels this afternoon. Or is this type of pottery bettter left unfilled?


The urn seems to go perfectly with my sectional:


Below is a link to my previous thread on my FR where there are lots of pictures of the room.

Here is a link that might be useful: Previous thread on FR

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