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How would you dress these big windows?

16 years ago

Advice needed:

I want to keep the lake view from the kitchen but in the winter I'd like to visually warm up the room. It feels chilly right now...

Would it look silly to put a rod on the outer windows ONLY or should the rods continue into the corner even if the curtains don't extend that far?

I don't forsee closing the curtains here- just want to soften the edges. Would a rod mounted at the outer edges ENDING before the innner two windows begin look odd?

Im picturing a clean Pottery Barn-ish look with curtains/drapes to the floor. I also want to keep the nice chunky trim as uncluttered with rods as possible. Would rod be mounted above window or right on the trim?

P.S. Light fixture over the table--any ideas??

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