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Who makes the Best Soap Dispenser - I Ripped out my Grohe Tonight

12 years ago

So tonight, was the straw the broke the camels back....

I ripped out my Grohe Soap Dispenser.

The 1st blunder was when the kitchen was done...we somehow overfilled from the top and the bottle leaked out dripping antibacterial soap on the cabinet. Who ever knew that soap was so caustic....that it *singed* the exposed plumbing parts to a degree, if not damaging a 6" oval of the veneer on the inside cab.

I've tried the never mt soap dispenser (did not work unless I watered down the soap which I preferred not to do). Filling up is a chore as filling up from the top of the counter doesn't really work (due to viscosity of soap).

So tonight, again, we get ~soap blowout~, where soap has been leaked into the cab. The ISSUE with the design is that the bottle just fits into the tube via *clips* that sit via pressure holding the bottle.

Whereas in my Kohler Hi-Rise, their design is set so the bottle is secure, threaded onto the *stem* so that this soap ~blowout~ would not occur.

OKAY. So tell me GW gang. Who else makes a soap dispenser that is SECURE to the bottle connection.

Love to hear the design setup on KWC or Waterstone..

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