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Why Few Bench Seat Tight Back Sofas?

I have two twenty year old chippendale sofas with the usual tight back and bench seat. They are comfortable, though not truly nap worthy. I like their one long cushioned seats. I'm growing tired of our (typical) six cushioned, comfy sofa in the family room. The cushions need straightening (dogs and kids ), and *dealing with slipcovers is a pain, though only an occasional chore. I'm remembering the wonderful tuxedo sofa we had years ago: tight tufted back and bench seat. Only the toss pillows to tidy up, and very comfy. I'm seeing a return of this style, but I'm wanting an English arm and smooth vs. tufted back. I'm not asking help finding it....yet :-) and may look into the possibility of reupholstering this one in that style. I'm simply wondering why this style isn't more prevalent. It's so practical: no cracks between cushions, tweaking of same, cheaper to reupholster/ slipcover. I mainly see smooth tight backs with two seat cushions, which don't readily invite three to sit. Have not been on a serious hunt, but just am noticing the void. Thoughts?

* Live and learn: when buying a sofa you plan to slipcover in cotton, choose a smoother/ slicker fabric for the sofa . It will make dressing and the reverse much easier.

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