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granite cut for wrong sink - WWYD?

11 years ago

I have a used Franke sink that was given to me a while back that I was planning to use in my kitchen remodel to save a few bucks. The granite templater looked at the sink, said he knew what it was and told me he had the template for it. Well the installers came today and it turns out he had the wrong model number which was for a sink that's a couple inches wider.

At first the boss at the granite place offered to eat a new sink if I was ok with the bigger size (which I am) but when he called around and found out it's a $900 sink he changed his tune a bit. He's given me the choice of picking out a new slab and use my sink, or, split the cost of a new sink, 500 (him) and 400 (me).

Truth be told, as I was cleaning the caulk off the old sink this morning I started to second-guess my decision to re-use the sink which shows years of wear. I also had gone through the available slabs of granite, twice, and had a strong preference for the one we chose.

My gut instinct is to accept the split cost, esp considering that the cost of the granite came in at about $450 cheaper than I had originally been quoted. My question is, do you think the 500/400 split is reasonable or should I push for more? I have no interest in screwing anyone over, but most importantly not myself.

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