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Tile Causing Leg Discomfort

16 years ago

Eighteen months ago, we went from an old vinyl floor in our kitchen to tile and also replaced the den tile with the same tile as the kitchen. These two rooms are where we spend most of our time.

I've been a runner/jogger for ten years now and never had any serious concerns with shin splints until very recently. In fact, I really slacked off on the exercise and am conservatively getting back in a routine: walking outdoors with light jogging; using the gym's treadmill and again, walking on it more than running and just switched back to the elliptical trainer. I replaced my old running shoes about two months ago.

My legs hurt! Right along the front center of my lower legs I get this dull ache every day and not necessarily just when I work out. I'm three months away from age 50 and have no health problems that I know about. (Maybe it's time for a physical.)

Could the tile contribute to the leg discomfort? Does anyone find it odd that I would turn to the Kitchen forum rather than seek out a medical professional?!?



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