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Angled island with 12 inch overhang - need opinions please :)

16 years ago

I need some opinions on this. In order to have a bar area that doesn't look odd we need to have a 45 degree angle so that half faces the dining area and half the family room (all open plan - hope that makes sense). We decided to do a 12 inch overhang on the family room side for seating, however looking at the plans for the top this looks like a huge amount of counter top especially since it will be honed black granite. Is this going to look ugly and weird? I have actually never seen an angled counter/bartop with the overhang - only the rectangular and square. Will this look okay? Does anyone have something like this or know where I can look at a picture. I'm getting a little nervous about how its going to look! We could break up the counter top a little by doing a 42 inch bar height overhang but that isn't really what we wanted from a functional stand point. TIA!!

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