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Drawers are hitting each other and cabinet maker blames install

12 years ago

We had some cabinets built and now are having issues with their functioning.

On a couple of the cabinets, we can't open adjacent drawers simultaneously or they knock into one another. We're tried adjusting, but you can't make the drawers move horizontally on the Blum sliders. The slab fronts are not aligned in a straight, vertical column and the space between the adjacent drawers that bump into each other are roughly a 1/16" or less.

The cabinet maker first suggested I shim between the cabinets. Is this done? I have never heard of doing such a thing and it seems like a hack to compensate for poor craftsmanship.

Now, he's said they were installed incorrectly and doesn't want to realign the drawer fronts. I am willing to be open-minded and consider the fault lays at my feet, so can anyone share any possible reasons that my install could have cause the drawers to hit each other?

I've always clamped the drawer boxes together and secured them to one another so the boxes are connected flush. I've done this with frameless cabinets from Ikea on multiple occasions without issue.

Thanks for any insights you can offer.

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